Saturday 1 November 2014

Gooda's plans are not cheesy!^^

Hello everybody. I'm back ! 

I am going to speak with you about my future.

In the first place, after  High School I would like to go to Law School in Bourges to be next to my family. 
I can't live wihout them ! 
Even if they are so annoying sometimes!

I would like to live in Bourges next to school because if I live with my parents I can't go to University everyday and come again every night at home.

During my studies, I will look for a job to be a bit autonomous but I know that I shall need my parents. 

In my future, I would be a lawyer.

I know I will spend many years at University and that  will be difficult but I'm motivated ! 

I don't really know if I'll specialize in children's procedures or in criminal cases....

I hope that I'm going to make a success of my studies to be lawyer. 

I dream about one thing : to have the dress of lawyer ! I want this dress...!

I would like to be an independent lawyer with my law firm.

When I shall be a lawyer, I would like to leave Bourges to go to Bordeaux, next to the sea ! 
Because I admit too... I have never seen the sea in my life ^^

If i can, I would like to travel in the USA but for the moment this is just a dream ! :)

I hope that my article interested you and your comments are welcome !

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