Sunday 23 November 2014

Shake and the future...

Hi everybody !

Today, I’m going to share with you the ambitions that I have for my future life. 

First of all, if I can and if this university agrees, I would go to Tours in a Literary University named L.E.A in French. 

It would be in second Bourges for me because a lot of my friends go to Tours after high school so it’s an additional motivation to get my bachelor degree this year for me.

If I do these studies, it would be to be a translator but I wish that this project will be more ambitious because I want to work in  English speaking countries
The best would be in the United States or in England but I’m not very encouraged by my entourage but it doesn’t matter, I’m not discouraged. 

We have to live our dreams, haven't we?    

Thanks for reading!


  1. I hope I'll see you in Tours ;)

  2. I agree with you, if that's what you really want to do, don't listen to what others say, you should follow your dream :)

    Stuffed rabbit

  3. Good luck my friend haha :)
    We will see there if you are takent ;) (and me too...)

  4. Everybody wants to do L.E.A in this class ? I hope you are going to make a success Shake ! Mickael.J-King

  5. In hope I'll see you in Tours? good luck

    by grecy

  6. I hope you will do your dreams :)

