Saturday 29 November 2014

Kiwi's article was incomplete (Mrs P. needs holidays!): here it comes again!

Hi there ! 

Personaly, I don’t even know what I would like to do as a job for the future. 

But it’s obvious that I would like a job where I can always move. 

I can’t stand all my days in an office! 
If ever I could have this regular slide in my house ! (If I have my own house)

More seriously, I would like to do crazy things, for example skydiving ! 
It could give me chills and be really thrilling. Everyone should experience this at least once ! 


But I think I would definitely travel around the world
Come back to the Philippines! Not only to see my family, but eat in a Waterfalls Restaurant ! Look at this, the food is served on bamboo tables while our feet are immersed in water! 

Visit the Tidal Basin's cherry blossoms in Washington, D.C during full bloom. A cherry blossom is one of my favorite flowers. This place looks very wonderful.

And ride Elephants in Thailand ! (why not take a bath with them haha) 

But that's not all ! Unfortunately, my article can't accommodate all I want !

You have noticed, I would not visit common places !




  1. The restaurant looks so cool ! It might be excellent to eat in these conditions!

  2. You tempted me to go to the Philippines ! Great article (with the end, it's better ^^) Mickael.J-King

  3. it's true that take a bath with an elephant, it's not commun aha

    Teddy bear

  4. coucou my best kiwi I enjoy your project and specially your manner of thinking.... I hope you all luck that exist in the world and I thing you will going achieve your goal.

    by grecy

  5. Don't worry i will invite you in this restaurant a day

  6. The article is too long now x)

  7. I really enjoyed your article !


  8. I adored your article, espacially the Waterfalls Restaurant ! it looks amazing
    oton tik

  9. I want a slide like this !


  10. Oh, I would also like to be able to do these different things !


  11. I like your article, it is very interesting and your projects are wondeful! -Cactus
