Thursday 20 November 2014

Primrose's simple dreams!

What am I gonna do with my future? 

What does the future hold in store for me? 

Every person on Earth wants that question to be answered, but no one ever had the wanted answers. 
No human being can live without thinking of tomorrow or of the day after, 'till the end of their life. 
And I am no exception.

    Even with the fact that I am no seer, I know that I will never become famous, or rich, because it is not my final goal. 
I think I just wish for a spare life, with a husband and children, a cute little house with white barriers, a house tree and a good job. I always liked the idea of becoming a teacher too.

    Some people will say I am not enough demanding with my future , not ambitious enough.  [Send them to me, being a teacher is being ambitious! Mrs P.]
So what? I like ordinary, simple things. 
I don't wish for a hard life, I don't think I could spend the biggest part of my life working on something which isn't essential. 
Do we need lawyers for example? 
Of course not, I want to do something that will help, I think the education of the younger ones is, after healing people,  the most important job to be done.

    Of course I will go to college, probably in Tours. 
I am really thinking about studying philosophy and going for 3 to 12 months in the United Kingdom to improve my knowledge in the English language and culture. 
It won't be easy, but I find the idea of going in a country I have only been in for a week when I was 14 really exciting.
I am more than ready to begin an adventure on my own !

    I have some dreams, of course, like everyone, but I think I am too pessimistic to even think about it seriously. I really enjoy reading and writing and to write a book on my own would be an accomplishment but I want a safe job, not a hazardous one.
Maybe I could do it as a hobby... yeah I think I should!
 The greater ideas come at the less expected times!

    To conclude, no I don't want to be immortal, famous or even remembered for decades, even centuries. I only desire to marry, to work, to have kids and to grow old with my loved ones. 
I want them to be safe, even the hypothetical ones. 

My sister says I should be more ambitious, my mother says I should dream more. 

But it has been a long time since I dreamed of going to  Neverland with Peter Pan, or in the Wonderful Land of Alice, I am no child anymore. 
I wish I still could be, so I would not be that pessimistic.

    To quote a song I like: "Now life has killed the dream I dreamed". 

And the worst thing in all of it, is that I am sorry for myself for having forgotten how to imagine a better world.
 I am so jealous of Alice (Alice in Wonderland) because she is not afraid of getting lost in her own mind, like most children. 

I envy kids who, contrary to adults, don't have to think of an eventual future. 

    Thanks everyone who will read my article.


  1. your article is very interesting !

  2. It was very interesting to read your article and I completely understand you. I often wish I could go back to be an innocent child, life was easier. Great article !
    Stuffed rabbit

    1. That is what I miss the most in my childhood, my innocent thoughts and dreams ..
      Thanks for the kind words Stuffed rabbit :)


  3. Love it! You will be a good mommy and your kids will love your Disney songs :P
    good luck hun! xoxo


    1. I hope I will :)
      Thanks for the kind words.


  4. Yes, children are lucky!
    I find it's good to want a spare life. We don't need more complicated to live happy.


    1. A spare life could become complicated, as a complicated life could become really simple at some time.
      I hope the Fate will surprise me. A spare life yes, but I say no to a boring one :)


  5. Very intersting article ! We know all about you now ^^

  6. your article is interesting, and if your wish come true, it will be cool for you, good luck

    Teddy Bear

  7. very exciting article and you look very spare but ambitious that good ,it's make your dignity.

    by grecy

  8. Do you know this quote ? "Don't grow up, it's a trap".
    btw nice article !

  9. Your article is really awesome ! As usual, you philosophize and it returns your article really interesting !

  10. Your article was really long ^^

