Wednesday 12 November 2014

Grecy's article... with some philosophy inside!

Hello everybody,

I'm Grecy!

The question or the subject asked  for this new series of article is "what are your projects for  your studies,  personal life, hobbies, dreams...

I can say nobody knows  the future but we can also anticipate,or project towards this future during this moment that we say now. 

The reason of our existence  is to prepare also our future in order to be useful, active in the professional life.
That's which makes the humanity of human beings. 
Without further delay, let's drop the philosophy lesson and let us answer the question asked.

My first projet is to succeed for my Bac et why not with a mention?
 The Bac is very important for me because after that I would like to continue my studies in the university of care nurses. 
As I have already told you in my last article   I like this job, it is my passion to take care of sick people, do the maximum of possibilities for calming their pain so that they find a smile, a good health because as it's said the health is precious and I would like to be a humanitarian nurse thus work on the field where  the epidemics spread,where the war makes victims.

I would like to work in international organisms like Medecins sans frontières or Croix rouge française.

As regards my personal life as all women 9/10 wish to get married, it's also my wish. For me marriage is the most important event.
To have  children and a husband is something precious especially to be a mother of children and to bear the name of her husband values the woman.

[I think this sentence will make people react!^^ Mrs P.]

My dream it's also to visit the world in the USA, Australia, Brazil , China.... to become a nurse, get married, to travel and to have children that's good for me. 

By speaking about my hobbies I have really  nothing to say, often I like singing, dancing, horse riding, go shopping and especially I like prayer, read the bible, watching television,like Reines du shopping, Trace Africa, Baby boom, Zone interdite,Danse avec les stars, The voice and many other things and I like cooking.

As soon as I shall have my high school diploma for me my dreams will become a reality. Thus that is what I can say in brief about my plans for the future.

Thank you for reading and your questions are welcome. I wish you a very nice school year.

                                                 Muchos besos 

                                                     by Grecy.


  1. I like the way you write !

    1. hi kiwi thanks for your comment

    2. You're welcome it's free ! (You know what I mean haha)

  2. I think you have good projects. You seem to really want to do that and I wish you good luck to succeed. :)

  3. It's brave I think to want to help people that are sick etc.
    I hope you'll get all that you want :)

    Stuffed rabbit

    1. thanks you rabbit for your comment

      by grecy

  4. But personnally I don't think that wearing your husband's name values you like you said, it wouldn't bother me to keep my name, in fact I think I'll keep mine but it's just my point of view

    Stuffed rabbit

    1. I agree with you, a husband's name is not really important, a name is just a NAME...


    2. But I think wearing husban's name in my culture values woman.

      by grecy

  5. Very good projects ! i hope you'll have success in your futur life. :)


  6. I wish you good luck for your projects :)

    1. thanks you honey good luck to you too

      by grecy

  7. I would like to work with Médecins sans frontières too :)

  8. I desagree on 4/5 things you said but I like your article :p Good luck!


  9. Carter and you are twins ! :O


  10. Good projects Grecy, you're someone true, simple and sincere and that to see itself in this article ! It's great, you watch Dancing With The Stars, it's a very good TV show, it's very well made ! Nice article :-)

  11. "to bear the name of her husband values the woman." I so agree with that! People don't respect marriage anymore; it is really important for me to belong somewhere, with someone ..


  12. Hi grecy!
    You are funny! ;) I hope that your dreams will come true ! :)
    Bye !

  13. I hope that you will become a nurse

