Tuesday 25 November 2014

Ayfas's article...

"What would you become in life?"

Good question in a wrong time.

 Let's go to the other question: "What would you do in life?"
 well, now I can talk  forever.. I warn you, it could be boring. 

When I was little, I always used to reply "I wanna be an astronaut of course!" as if it were logical. 

I wanted to jump above the stars, to fly and feel free. 

But then I grew up and I started to think about freedom. 
 What is its real meaning?

Is it being manipulated by people who are afraid of us?

Who will do everything just to hide us the truth because they know very well that we will rebel against injustice? 

Yes, because as Thomas Jefferson said "When injustice becomes law resistance becomes duty" or freedom is turning eighteen, start college in another city, having fun, drink etc etc? 

How could we be free knowing that in the other side of the world or, next to us, there are children, women, humans who die everytime due to this sick society, due to our indifference?

So...no. I don’t want to be an astronaut and I do not want to feel free.
I can’t, my freedom will be incomplete. 

Therefore, why not  try to help them? 
Why not  be the change we wish to see in the world?

Now, if someone asks me "What would you do in life?" I'll reply: being a human right activist/journalist of course!”

 That's why probably at college I'll choose Political Science, Sociology or Languages. 

I really wanna help people, those who are just asking to be treated with dignity, to be listened to and to have the right to live in peace. 

I wanna be the voice for those who have no voice and learn humanity from them. 

That’s it, all the rest, currently, doesn’t matter.    


  1. You are very ambitious! ^^


  2. Hey,
    That is very noble of you to want to save the world and the human beings from themselves, it is one of the most beautiful dream.
    I hope you will be able to do what you think is right.
    There are not enough people that think the way you do.


    1. Heeey hun, thank you for your kind and supportive words, I really do appreciate them.


  3. Hello !
    Your article is beautiful ! =)

    1. Hey, thaaaaank you Bamboo :)


  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. I like your way of thinking, I hope you'll suceed in your projects ;)

    1. Thank you honey, I wish you the same! :)


  6. You article is so great! It's special compared to all ours ;)
    I love the way you think, and I totally agree with you! We're living in a world of injustice. And I think that's great that there are people like you, who wants to help/save people from inequalities or sadness, ....
    I hope you will succeed all you want :)

    PS: Your nickname made me laugh, very good idea! ;)

    1. erm.. thank you very much, appreciate it!! :)
      I'm happy that there are young people, as me, who agree with my words and encourage me! Maybe we still have hope..

      PS: thanks for the ps! :p


  7. Moving article ! I think you're right, we are all human being and the solidarity is one of things who can all gather us. If only everybody thought as you, in France there is less and less solidarity because there is a rejection of the other, I hope that it's going to change and France is going to find its real values which are : equality, Freedom and Brotherhood.
    Great article. Mickael.J-King

    1. Hey bro! Hope the same for France, Italy and all the other countries.. may everyone could live in dignity and peace.
      Thank you for your kind comment :)


  8. wow just good article and good project Goood like my dear and I hope you can achieve your goal to save human being.

    by grecy

    1. awww thank you very much Grecy, you're so sweet!


  9. Your article make me think about a lot of things


    1. so happy to heart that ponpon!! now.. act! :)


  10. I like your vision of the world and your ambitions for change him! -Cactus
