Tuesday 18 November 2014

(wap) Doowap's plans...

I don't have exact plans for my future, but I reflected upon it.
 I like travelling and I'm very interested in discovering every countries, every cultures for example. I would like to live in an english speaking country to learn the english language.

For my future job it is very important. I would like to become a sport reporter because I enjoy every sport especially basket. 
Basket ball is my favorite sport, my hobby, I practice basket and I adore this sport. I want to be a specialist of basket ball.

My second hobby is travelling. 

I would like to discover the world, the different continent. I think that traveling is very important for the human being. Travelling is kind of education, I think like that. One of my dreams is to travel around the world to or discover every life. I want to travel particulary in the Canada.

Canada is my favorite destination because it's a big country, he has every espace for the nature, we can find every animals, he has the wonderful landscape and for finish the Canada is close to the USA for the basket. Finally I'm dreaming for travelling and sport life. I'm very curious that because I would like traveling.


  1. Canada is a very beautiful country :)

  2. I like your way of thinking, especially when you say travelling is a kind of education, because I agree with you.


  3. Loving your idea of travelling seen as an education! I totally agree with you! Proust said: "The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes."
    Anyway good luck :)


  4. Hello everyone ! My name is Lison !
    I wrote this text because i'm under torture of somethingintheway and he gonna kill me !

    1. We don't condone violence on this blog...nevertheless, I think Somethingintheway had a good idea to increase the audience of this blog, so... well done, someth'!^^

  5. I hope you'll get the chance to travel as much as you want :)

    Stuffed rabbit

  6. Hello Doowap !
    I'm agree with because that the Canada is the beautiful country with a lot wealths ! :)

  7. It is so great to be that passionate! Don't give up!


  8. I wish you to become a sport reporter, I shall invite you in my broadcasts (Tv Show) to make chronicles ! Canada is a good destination.

  9. canada is also my second destination after switzerland very nice contries.

    by grecy

  10. I'm not surprised to you when you said "I want to be a specialist of basket ball". :)

  11. This dunk of Micheal Jordan is completely awesome !

