Wednesday 19 November 2014

An authentic article , by the genuine Oton-tik!

Hi everyone, it's Oton Tik but if you want you can call me «Authentique» ahah...
Let's be serious !

We are always talking about our « future », what we want to do, but before all of this I want to make a trip which symbolizes the rupture after this year. 

There is a country, since I'm a kid which I've found very fascinating, it is the Iceland, I know that it's not commun ! If I get the BAC, it will be my first destination, my first transition. I think that's the landscapes, the far-away and The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty (It's a film) made me become crazy of this country.

I'm a person who always wants to do new things, WE ARE YOUNG, we have to discover the world around us. 
I'm really atrcted by 2 opposites : The cinema's world and linguistics.

If I pass the bac, my goal is to live in Nantes, a wonderful city ! 

There are many universities, so my obsession for the cinema began when I started to watch many films, I wanted to discover this world, so I'm searching a cinema university in Nantes, I'm looking how it is working, it'll be awesome if I become an actor or something like that ! 
That's why I'll do some auditions if I can. 
I like to play roles, follow an invented story, I'm not shy, I made a lot of things in my childhood that made me love the "camera" with  dance,  music, etc..

At the same I really appreciate languages, communicating with people, sharing something between different kinds of culture. 
Also, I want to speak correctly many languages, I will learn russian or arabic if I do an LEA.

If I do something like that, my goal will be to repair the inequalities, I can't enjoy my life without helping people who have a hard life. 
I want to find a job which will need my know-how for this.
According to me, we are living in a wealthy world, there are a lot of cultures, I don't want to speak every languages in the world ! If you got me, I just want to be close with every people in this world, I hate to have barriers. 
So, I'm looking to a job which can help me to do this.

I'm really attracted by two opposites, it's a little bit complicated, but I am not saying that one precludes the other.

Thank you for reading me.


  1. That would be so great to see you in a movie in the future ! ^^

    STuffed rabbit

    1. It could be awesome ;)
      oton tik

  2. Hello!
    Your article is enriching futhermore Iceland is the dream, Me, I would like to leave in Laponie! =)
    Bye bye

    1. Oh thank you to share the same view !
      oton tik

  3. you are welcome

    1. I love how this comment is useless, made me laugh :)

      Stuffed rabbit

    2. Welcome for what ?
      I agree with s.rabbit !
      oton tik

  4. I really see you as an actor ^^ Good luck for the continuation!


    1. Seriously ? Why ? I wish u the best :)
      oton tik

  5. Iceland, really? I agree with the fact that it is an original destination ! I respect you cause I am not that brave ... too much snow for my liking :)


    1. Yep really ! Yes it might be cold but it doesn't matter,
      oton tik

  6. Don't forget! We'll go to Iceland together ;) your article is great, good luck for your projects

    1. I don't want you with me because you have changed your nickname ! But I have some place in my bags haha
      oton tik

  7. Omg I wanna go to Iceland too and try to see the Aurora Borealis!
    Btw I really liked your article, good luck Authentique :D


  8. Actor is a fascinating job, I'm willing to produce your movie aha ^^ Intersting article ! Mickael.J-King

  9. coucou otontik you have a good project.I wish you tobecome an actor that will be very cool.

    by grecy

  10. The first picture is really beautiful !

