Thursday 30 October 2014

Doowap's article...

Hi everyone!
I 've kept the same alias as last year, Doowap, because it reminds me of how much I love junky food!

Indeed, I am someone who can eat at any hour of the day for example my favourite food is pizza, tacos, burgers.

I have hobbies, especially basketball.
I have been playing for 4 years: I play in my team, CSB.

I have one brother in "2nde" in my high school.

I'm going to talk about a film called "Ecrire pour exister" ( Freedom Writers)

It's my favourite film because it's the story of a class in Los angeles with a special teacher. I recommand this film because it'sa  very interesting and beautiful story. 

My favourite band is Flastbush zombies. They are 3 American rappers. They have a crazy style that I love, because they are off the track.

In general, I appreciate Afro American culture for instance hip hop, basketball, football, food, films, gansta rap...


  1. Lots of eater in our class ! ^^


  2. Oh did you see that movie too ? (Freedom writers) I agree that it's a good movie !

  3. ahah you make me laught when you said " it remind me how i love junky food", food is all your life ?

    Teddy Bear

  4. Hi Doowap !
    Pizza is one of the foundations of the life ! *.*
    I'm joking.... whatever ... !!
    Otherwise your article is funny :)

  5. And I didn't think you chose this nickname for the cakes ahah ^^


  6. I love food too ! Who doesn't ?
    And I saw that movie and really liked it :)
    Stuffed rabbit

  7. MY DOOWAP MAN! I enjoyed your aticle, we saw "ecrire pour exister" together, remember? A great film dude! I wish you the best in your beared life :)
    oton tik

  8. This film is so great! I confess, it made me cry...
    Otherwise, your article is cool :)

  9. nice article

    by grecy

  10. I'll watch this movie this evening I think :) great article my dear doowap, and stop bother me in class ! :p

  11. But everybody likes eating in this class ?^^ I didn't know this film, it seems interesting. You have just made me discover a group of rap which I didn't know, this song is very great, I love it ! Great article man

  12. I really like your article because you love a lot of things that I love too, and I recommend the movie too ;)

  13. I don't know this movie, i want to see !


  14. Ah Palm Trees by Flatbush Zombie... this music is awesome, I like it too !

