Thursday 9 October 2014

We welcome Primrose...


         First of all I am Primrose ( or Prim ). 
I think most of you already suppose I took this pseudonyme from "The Hunger Games" series.
 I chose it because, in the books, Prim seems to be the sweetest girl in the world, and I am nothing near sweet. I love what is dark, and she is just so light, almost shinny.

I live with my mother, sisters and brother in Bourges. 
We moved in almost two years ago; before that I lived near Paris. 
I like it here because there are not too many people, I enjoy the silence when I can reach it.

         I have a real passion for  reading and writing. I wanted to become a writer when I was a young girl but I changed my mind growing up, I became more realistic. I suppose.

I think I love reading because it makes me forget everything else, only a few people can understand how much it is good to just read, and stop thinking. I love escaping reality sometimes, just get myself lost in a world which is not mine, even if it only exists on paper.

This article is for my English class so I guess I will write about a British book. One of my favorite is "The picture of Dorian Grey" by Oscar Wilde. It is one of the most amazing British novel for me.

         It is the story of Dorian Grey, a wealthy young man who tries to discover the world by himself. He is really charming and attractive, but he doesn't even know himself and that's what I think is making him so different.

Suddenly he met a man who changed his life, forever.

This older friend made him explore dangerous ways into decadence. Drug, alcohol, prostitutes, simply every sins he knew. He enjoyed it, like young people who are too curious to stop discovering new pleasures. But the pain and scars he inflicted  on himself didn't affect his body, only his soul, which he sold to the devil and got stocked in a picture of him to keep his body young, forever.

I won't tell the end, I don't want to spoil it, but I recommand that book, it is a really beautiful piece of work, and Wilde was just a genius !

 To finish my presentation, just a little quote from my favorite German play, "Faust" by Goethe.

" The deed is everything, the glory nothing. "



  1. That book seems really good ! I don't really read a lot unfortunately but I agree, it's always a pleasure to read ( if the book is good )

    Stuffed rabbit

  2. The beginning of your article is very poetic, I find ^^ I like read and write too. Nice article :)


  3. If iI were you, I would have take a character that looks like me


    1. I agree with you !

    2. you are very pedantic ponponpon and I feel ill at ease with your behaviour Don't judge the choice of people because everybody not share or thinking like you. tchiiiipppp you must change ok tchiiiippp

      by grecy


    3. Fight ! Fight !


    4. I think like him grecy... ( ☮ and ♥ my sis)

  4. Read is really important for me and I totally agree when you say "it is good to just read, and stop thinking." !

  5. I understand you when you say " only a few people can understand how much it is good to just read, and stop thinking "
    because not everybody can understand that way of thinking.

    Great article, and the book seems cool :)

    Teddy Bear

  6. HI primrose I enjoy your article and nice to meet you in this blog.

    by grecy

  7. I understand you too, reading is the best way to escape, to forget everything, just being in the story, be impregnated by the characters.
    The book you described seems very good, I'll try to find it somewhere, you made me want to read it :)

  8. Your article is interesting, I'm in L but I don't read a lot, so...


  9. To Ponponpon: The thing is, you are not me! I thought that it would be funnier to choose a name from a character different from me because I like her in the Hunger Games, but I'll never be like her.
    And a big thanks for Grecy for defending me!


    1. Your answer is intelligent, it goes can be to allow PONPONPON to stop disagreing all the time with everybody !

  10. And thank you everyone for all your kind words. The book is a classic so it can be found nearly everywhere; after all, Oscar Wilde is well known in the world of litterature!


  11. I think that it's necessary to achieve its dreams, you should can be to try to write a book if you are inspired. In any case, you know well how to summarize the stories, Wilde is a genius it's rather true ! Great article

    1. Hi, couldn't respond for quite some time, lap top+coffee= nothing good, at least for the computer!

      I write, but I am not in search for glory or anything; I do it because I enjoy it.
      I'm glad someone likes Wilde as much as I do!

      Thanks for the kind words, they cheer me up!


  12. You made me realize a lot thing, thanks
    oton tik

    1. Relize things? Like what?
      I am kind of curious now!

