Monday 20 October 2014

Oton-Tik is back too!

Hey boys and girls, my nickname hasn't changed, I’m still “ Oton-Tik ” ! 
I still live in Bourges, it’s been ages now. 
Since may I’m eighteen; 
 Everyone told me that now I could buy alcohol without showing my identy card and drive !

Perhaps, those are the first ideas that come to mind when we’re of age :ahah:

 For people who don’t know me, I’m an only child and sometimes people ask me “ it is a boring situation ?”  the answer is no, you get used to it fairly quickly !

This year my goal is to create a band with some friends, we’re well on our way to achieving this, I think that we’re going to play at “ Le Printemps de Bourges ” and the annual “ Fête de la musique “. 

Secondly as the majority of final years, passing my exam ! 
There are many things that I want to do after the “ Bac “ so I'm a little excited. 
It's like a second life that I'll discover.

I started to watch a new serie named “ The 100 “ .

the story is about a nuclear war which has destroyed civilization, so they began to live in a spaceship. 
After one century, they sent 100 youngs delinquents  back to Earth in hope of possibly re-populating the planet and see what there is...

I’m not going to be a “spoiler” ;)

 I really appreciated this serie because this concept has never been seen before.
 It’s something which could be real if it were a Third World War. 
So if you have nothing to do,  I recommend it. 

Thanks for the reading !


  1. Hey Oton-tik, I wish you the best and all the fame for this year


    1. Thank you, same thing for you ! I'll tell you how it'll be !
      Oton tik

  2. Very good article my friend :)


    1. Thanks my mate ! See u soon

  3. I would love to hear your band play :)

    Stuffed rabbit

  4. GOOOOOOD luck oton tik I will see you in printemps de bourges....

    by grecy

  5. I didn't know you are only child ! On the other hand, I know you want to become an actor, I find that very cool ! I look forward to discovering your group and I would come to see you in the Printemps de Bourges, I wish you the best for the continuation !! Mickael.J-King

  6. This serie looks like original, I have to find the time to look at it !

  7. It would be nice to see you in the Printemps de Bourges with your band !

  8. I love this serie but in english because in french the caracters are voices of robot !


  9. I can't wait the next Printemps de Bourges!!
