Saturday 29 November 2014

English spelling rules are weird (^^)...

But on this blog, we never judge! So weird is all right!

Kiwi's article was incomplete (Mrs P. needs holidays!): here it comes again!

Hi there ! 

Personaly, I don’t even know what I would like to do as a job for the future. 

But it’s obvious that I would like a job where I can always move. 

I can’t stand all my days in an office! 
If ever I could have this regular slide in my house ! (If I have my own house)

More seriously, I would like to do crazy things, for example skydiving ! 
It could give me chills and be really thrilling. Everyone should experience this at least once ! 


But I think I would definitely travel around the world
Come back to the Philippines! Not only to see my family, but eat in a Waterfalls Restaurant ! Look at this, the food is served on bamboo tables while our feet are immersed in water! 

Visit the Tidal Basin's cherry blossoms in Washington, D.C during full bloom. A cherry blossom is one of my favorite flowers. This place looks very wonderful.

And ride Elephants in Thailand ! (why not take a bath with them haha) 

But that's not all ! Unfortunately, my article can't accommodate all I want !

You have noticed, I would not visit common places !



Friday 28 November 2014

Now that you know him, let's see his plans for the future!

Hello guys!

So I have to talk to you about my future so I had this deep though "What I am going to do in the ten next years??????"...

As I don't know, I will answer the question bout "What I would like to do". 

I'm quite interested in journalism so why not maybe join a journalism school and work several years to get a degree.

 I am also interested in travels , other cultures and other languages. 

I've travelled a lot when I was younger and I would like to do it again so why not go to the Uk or the USA or even Canada because I am also interested in marple syrup and I like polite people. 

Well I don't know please tell me in the comments if I have to choose the journalism school or  Canada .


Today is Black Friday!

Black Friday is the Friday following Thanksgiving Day in the United States (the fourth Thursday of November), often regarded as the beginning of the Christmas shopping season. In recent years, most major retailers have opened very early and offered promotional sales to kick off the holiday shopping season, similar to Boxing Day sales in many Commonwealth nations. Black Friday is not a holiday, but California and some other states observe "The Day After Thanksgiving" as a holiday for state government employees, sometimes in lieu of another federal holiday such as Columbus Day. Many non-retail employees and schools have both Thanksgiving and the day after off, followed by a weekend, thereby increasing the number of potential shoppers. It has routinely been the busiest shopping day of the year since 2005, although news reports, which at that time were inaccurate, have described it as the busiest shopping day of the year for a much longer period of time. 

 But there is a movement against that, called Buy Nothing Day.

Buy Nothing Day (BND) is an international day of protest against consumerism. In North America, Buy Nothing Day is held on the Friday after U.S. Thanksgiving,  elsewhere, it is held the following day, which is the last Saturday in November.
The first Buy Nothing Day was organized in Canada in September 1992 "as a day for society to examine the issue of over-consumption." 
In 1997, it was moved to the Friday after American Thanksgiving, also called "Black Friday", which is one of the ten busiest shopping days in the United States

Thursday 27 November 2014

At long last, Boldman's presentation!

Hello guys I am Boldman, I chose this nickname because it describes me perfectly because I am an audacious man ... 

I like tons of things but two of my favorites are football and rap.

My favorite rapper could be RZA if I had to choose and my favorite football player of all time is definitly Zinedine Zidane [who is a baldman! lol!  Mrs P.] , that might be not really original but I am not so original so it's fine.

We are so supposed to present something so I chose a film from 2013  entitled "Dallas Buyers Club".

The story takes place in 1985, in Dallas. Ron Woodroof is a violent cowboy, machist and homophobic.
Ron's life is filled with rodeo, alcohol, cocaine and sex.One day he is diagnosed with HIV, and learns that he is left with 30 days to live. 
The mad cowboy is embodied by the exellent Matthew McConaughey .
The film allows us to take another look at the HIV virus and the homosexual condition in the USA in the late 80's.

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Daffy's plans (with a bonus at the end)

My dreams and projects for the future

            For me it's clear ! I want to work in the French army and it's my single dream ! 
Very often people tell me : You know it is a very dangerous job. 
I agree but if everyone thought like that, who would do it? 
We need the army and this is a fact. 
After they say : yes but why you ? 
If I'm not too bored I answer that it is something for me because I love sport and intensive sport and I won't find as much sport as in the army anywhere else. 
Otherwise I can talk about the sensations. Indeed there is nowhere else I can have the feelings that the army gives me.

            What I wanna do, more precisely in the army is called « Commando » in « 1er RPIMa » ( 1er Régiment des Parachutistes de l'Infanterie Marine). 
It is a SAS regiment ( Special Action Service ) because it's a more intense job.

After a big long career in the army, we have as a project with my brother to open a kebab.

And that's all !


Bonus: on general demand, here comes the doggie again!^^ (he should be the blog's mascot!)

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Ayfas's article...

"What would you become in life?"

Good question in a wrong time.

 Let's go to the other question: "What would you do in life?"
 well, now I can talk  forever.. I warn you, it could be boring. 

When I was little, I always used to reply "I wanna be an astronaut of course!" as if it were logical. 

I wanted to jump above the stars, to fly and feel free. 

But then I grew up and I started to think about freedom. 
 What is its real meaning?

Is it being manipulated by people who are afraid of us?

Who will do everything just to hide us the truth because they know very well that we will rebel against injustice? 

Yes, because as Thomas Jefferson said "When injustice becomes law resistance becomes duty" or freedom is turning eighteen, start college in another city, having fun, drink etc etc? 

How could we be free knowing that in the other side of the world or, next to us, there are children, women, humans who die everytime due to this sick society, due to our indifference? I don’t want to be an astronaut and I do not want to feel free.
I can’t, my freedom will be incomplete. 

Therefore, why not  try to help them? 
Why not  be the change we wish to see in the world?

Now, if someone asks me "What would you do in life?" I'll reply: being a human right activist/journalist of course!”

 That's why probably at college I'll choose Political Science, Sociology or Languages. 

I really wanna help people, those who are just asking to be treated with dignity, to be listened to and to have the right to live in peace. 

I wanna be the voice for those who have no voice and learn humanity from them. 

That’s it, all the rest, currently, doesn’t matter.    

Monday 24 November 2014

My bad! I forgot the end of Tommo's article! Here it is!

Hello everybody !

The topic for this new article is « My plans for the future ». Before all, I hope I’ll have my baccalaureat diploma and my driving licence.

Let’s begin by the most complicated : my futures studies !

Since I was in secondary school, I've wanted to become a journalist. I planned to do a ‘DUT info-com option journalisme’ in Tours’s IUT. But since fewer than 3 months, I've changed my mind. I think I would prefer to do a ‘DUT carrières sociales option animations sociales et sociaux culturelles’ in Tours.

Therefore, that is my first wish. In second, there is the ‘DUT info-com option journalisme’ and in third, faculty of LLCE (Langues, Littératures et Cultures Etrangères), also in Tours.

Moreover, next year I will be  roommate with Carter and an other friend, if everything goes well (Sorry Carter, you haven't finished  seeing me !).

I really hope I’ll have my baccalaureat diploma and I’ll do what I like. Even if I feel that I’m going to miss my parents and my brother.

Then, this summer holidays, I’ll work as animator in a leisure center because I got my BAFA diploma during these automn’s holidays. I’ll work all the month of July to be able to leave in a camping with friends in August. That will be great ! I am in a hurry to be this summer !

To finish, I dream to visit several towns : Barcelona, London, New-York and San Francisco.
As I 'll be 18 in some months, I asked  my parents for a trip to Barcelona or London to begin. My parents chose Barcelona because it is nearer and more practical to go there. Subsequently, I'll go to Barcelona next year for my 18th birthday.

[Cool parents! Lucky you!  Mrs P.]

I think I told you everything about  my future. I can’t anticipate more than one year because we can’t know what the future has in store for us.

I hope you liked my article. Thank you for reading.

Carter would be...

Hi ! It's Carter for a new article.
Today, we must speak about our projects for the future.

Like some people know, I would be a nurse. A nurse in emergency rooms. Why in ER ? Because for me it's there that you feel really useful.

 When you are in emergency situation you must be fast and efficient. That job really attracts me.

During my three years of studies, I would be in Tours, but for being in the city of my choice, I should have a really good mark on my nurse exams. 
I want to pass them in May, because if I succeed the exam, I can  start  the new school year in Tours. 
And if I fail, I can repass them in September. 
And to be able go to Tours, I must have my Bac !

During my studies, I would live with two other friends, one of which is Tommo !

To finish, I have dicovered this job in a series, in E.R. From this time, this job has really passionated me.

I know that in the class, Grecy would be a nurse too, we have spoken about it a few times. I feel that she is passionate with the job too !

I think, that's an really interesting job, and in this kind of work you feel useful to people.

I hope you enjoyed reading my article !

Bye, Carter.