Thursday 30 October 2014

Doowap's article...

Hi everyone!
I 've kept the same alias as last year, Doowap, because it reminds me of how much I love junky food!

Indeed, I am someone who can eat at any hour of the day for example my favourite food is pizza, tacos, burgers.

I have hobbies, especially basketball.
I have been playing for 4 years: I play in my team, CSB.

I have one brother in "2nde" in my high school.

I'm going to talk about a film called "Ecrire pour exister" ( Freedom Writers)

It's my favourite film because it's the story of a class in Los angeles with a special teacher. I recommand this film because it'sa  very interesting and beautiful story. 

My favourite band is Flastbush zombies. They are 3 American rappers. They have a crazy style that I love, because they are off the track.

In general, I appreciate Afro American culture for instance hip hop, basketball, football, food, films, gansta rap...

Wednesday 29 October 2014

An exhibition that might be of interest to all of you...

 It's in Moulins, not far from where we live...

[This costume is for a character who really existed and whose bones were discovered 2 years ago in a parking lot in Leicester, England. Any guess? He really needed a horse, at one point!]

[ That costume is for a character we saw last year in a play... There were 3 of them... any idea? Clue: Halloween is coming!]

And the exhibition is in French! Easy peasy! ;-)

You'll see unexpected Japanese costumes...

And maybe you will want to become a costume designer, who knows?


Tuesday 28 October 2014

Sunday 26 October 2014

Monday 20 October 2014

Oton-Tik is back too!

Hey boys and girls, my nickname hasn't changed, I’m still “ Oton-Tik ” ! 
I still live in Bourges, it’s been ages now. 
Since may I’m eighteen; 
 Everyone told me that now I could buy alcohol without showing my identy card and drive !

Perhaps, those are the first ideas that come to mind when we’re of age :ahah:

 For people who don’t know me, I’m an only child and sometimes people ask me “ it is a boring situation ?”  the answer is no, you get used to it fairly quickly !

This year my goal is to create a band with some friends, we’re well on our way to achieving this, I think that we’re going to play at “ Le Printemps de Bourges ” and the annual “ Fête de la musique “. 

Secondly as the majority of final years, passing my exam ! 
There are many things that I want to do after the “ Bac “ so I'm a little excited. 
It's like a second life that I'll discover.

I started to watch a new serie named “ The 100 “ .

the story is about a nuclear war which has destroyed civilization, so they began to live in a spaceship. 
After one century, they sent 100 youngs delinquents  back to Earth in hope of possibly re-populating the planet and see what there is...

I’m not going to be a “spoiler” ;)

 I really appreciated this serie because this concept has never been seen before.
 It’s something which could be real if it were a Third World War. 
So if you have nothing to do,  I recommend it. 

Thanks for the reading !

Sunday 19 October 2014

Another new one!

Hello everybody my name is Rimoush ' 

I am 17 years old and I live in Bourges.

 I have 3 older brothers and a younger sister who is in seconde in the same high school as me.

I am new at the high school, there is a good atmosphere in the class and everybody is cool .

I love travelling ! I went to  Italy, England and last year in the United States in New York  in a Youth hostel in Manhattan just next to Times Square .

I was to Liberty island where there is the statue of Liberty :it was so good and the last day we drovein limousine on Broadway and  Fifth avenue: it was so good.

 Then I like  boxing I plan to join a club this year.

 I also aim at passing my BAC 
 I hope that we shall have it all! 

Rimoush' :*

Saturday 18 October 2014

Another new kid on the blog!

Hi everybody. 
I'm Goodaa and I'm new in the class. 
I can say that I start to love it. 
People are interesting and nice. 

I think we are going to have fun this year even if I didn't think that before. ;)

If you want to know more about my life I can tell you that I have three sisters  and one dog. 

I don't  really have hobbies because I don't have much time. 
But I love listening to music and stay with my friends. 
 Moreover many people see me with Bamboo. 
Her nickname is "Hello" and she is very important to me. 
I'm sure she knows it !

I hope that is enough for you and that you understand my bad english.

Lots of love,


Friday 17 October 2014

Remember PonPonPon?

Hi everybody, I'm PonPonPon and I'm going to introduce myself in a few words. 

So I'm a boy, I am 16 years old and I will be 17 soon because I was born on the 11th of October. 

I don't have any brothers or sisters. 

In the future I would like to work in History.

My alias comes from a Japanese song sung by Kyary Pamyu Pamyu. 

I recommend you to watch it because it's pretty weird. 

I love listening to music. 

My favorites kind of musics are Metal and Rap. 

My favorite metal band is Nightwish and my favorites rappers are Eminem, Kendrick Lamar, 2pac and NWA (in particular Dr.Dre). 

I like to read too. 

I prefer heroic and fantasy books like A song of Ice and Fire (a.k.a A Game of Thrones
but I think my favorite book is probably Battle Royale. 

 I love writing, actually I 'm 50 pages into a story and I am pretty proud of it. 

Finally I am crazy about Basket Ball but unfortunately I hurt myself and I'll be out for two or three months.

 My favorite team is the Indiana Pacers and my favorite player is Paul George. 

But my main subject today is... Breaking Bad also know as “The best TV series ever”.
It is the story of Walter White, a professor of chemistry.
At the beginning he learns that he has a terminal cancer to the lungs and he can't be cure so the doctor thinks he will die in a year .
The problem is that his family is composed of a disabled child and his wife is pregnant.
So he decides to create methamphetamine and sales it to earn money and leave it to his family when he will die.
Walter Whites asks for help from one of his previous student that will accept.
But the problem is that one of the members of Walter's family is a member of the police and that the world of drugs is very dangerous so when someone come and sales a very pure drug the other dealers are not  happy. 


For me it is the best series because the actors play very well, we can see how a normal man can become a criminal.
It is never boring and there is always actions and suspense to keep us aware in front of it.
 Finally the plots are awesome and at the end all of them will be resolved so it's very good because at the end we will not be frustrated of never knowing how one characters will continue is life.

Indeed at the end we know everything.

I hope that you have enjoyed my article :-)

[Here is something I find very funny!   Mrs P.]

Thursday 16 October 2014

Grecy's back!

Hello I'm Grecy!

I hope that everybody knows me and I say welcome to everybody in the blog.
I'm 18.
I' m Congolese, I live in  Bourges; I'm a student in high school.

I'm the second girl in my family.

After my baccalaureat I would like  to become a wisdom wife or a nurse in the operatory room.

I'd like to save  persons in  difficulty. For me working in the hospital it's something very important, to discover how a human body works.

I enjoy  music,dancing and singing.

I'm also so proud to be Congolese.
 Have a good happy new  school  year; thanks so much ;love for you....

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Stuffed Rabbit and her bad habit...

Hi! I am Stuffed Rabbit, most of the people on the blog probably already know me and I already made an article last year to present myself but I am going to try to tell other things about me here.

I am 17 now and it is my last year in high school. 

I will pass the exams at the end of the year, I hope I will get it but I'm not too worried about it. 
Next year I would like to keep studying english to probably become an english teacher later. 
Yes, I love english so it was impossible for me to not have a job that is linked to it.

What else to say about me that I haven't already said in my first article ? 

Well, I live with my mother, my step father and my little brother. 

My big sister and big brother live in Bretagne so I don't often see them. 

I don't have any pet even if I wish I could but my mother doesn't want to have one. 

I would love to have a dog. 

I am not tall at all, really not but I am not bothered by that, that's how I am. 

I smoke ( it's not good I know ). 

Otherwise, I like hanging out with my friends, going to parties, having fun. 

I also like drawing a lot.

Anyway, I don't think my life is very interesting so I am going to stop here.

Thanks for reading !

 Stuffed rabbit

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Let's welcome a new student: bamboo!

Hello, readers!

I am Bamboo, I come for my little presentation! 
To start with, I'm very happy to be in this class and I love the English language ! 
Well , I love the electro, the dance music but I like the songs like Ed Sheeran's or Birdy's ! 
I love the love stories for example The Fault in our Stars, Twilight or The sleeping dictionary with Jessica Alba ! 
but I like also Harry Potter! 
I don't watch a lot TV series but Desparate Housewives: it's very cool! 
I watch  a lot of TV series and movies, and read books, that are english or american !
Little precision: If  I don't participate a lot in class, it's that I'm very shy ! 
And sorry for my mistakes ! 
Good bye! 

Monday 13 October 2014

Daffy duck is back...

Hi there ! 
I'm DaffyDuck and now I'm gonna present myself. 
So, it's my second and last year in High school. 
I have got a big family with at home two brothers and one sister. 
I have another sister who works and another brother but they both live in Bordeaux. 
I love fighting, I do martial arts from 4.30 to 6.00 hours per week. 
During vacations I work in the Army and I would like to continue after my studies until the end of my life. 

I have got a dog that I love a lot, he is called Lapso, it's a husky-labrador and he's beenmy friend since I'm 8 years old. 

 [This is Lapso: he's cute!  Mrs P.]

I don't listen to a lot of musics but sometimes I listen to The Prodigy or System of a Down

I can do magic tricks with cards or push a bike to 170 km per hour.

My favourite color is green and if you want to make me happy it's very easy, propose me to have a drink. 

I think that's all about me… 

Oh ! I'll perhaps say one day why I''m called Duck by my friends. 
See you guys !

Sunday 12 October 2014

Kiwi talks about herself...

Hello there ! Kiwi’s comeback ! 
Before introducing my article, I'll tell you some stuff about me !
  • I’m a girl.
  • I’m Eurasian.
  • I’ve chosen Kiwi as a nickname at random. It’s not a question of taste !

And that's all ! If you want to know me better, ask in comments !

As everybody knows, we have the water by opening the tap, a gesture which seems to us so simple ! But many people in developing countries are not able to drink the water as easily as this !

These people must  walk many kilometers to fetch  water, mainly the women and children. It requires a lot of physical effort to transport the unhygienic container. Finally, they get many injuries because of uncomfortable positions !

Q DRUM is the solution to end the sufferings !
What is Q DRUM ?
Q DRUM is a “rollable water container”, pulled by using a rope tied through the hole. Therefore, water will be more easily transportable. 
They said: “Even a child can pull 50 litres of water over flat terrain for several kilometres without undue strain”. Fetching the water was a hard task, now transformed in a funny task thanks to Q DRUM, an ingenious invention !

Saturday 11 October 2014

You'll know a lot more about Mickael J. King ...

Hi everybody ! It's my first article since the start of the school year.

I'm Mickael.J-King, I'm 17 years old  and I was born in Bourges. 
I've been studying  at the  High School for 3 years and I'm in terminale. 
I'm in 701 (I love so much my class) and I hope to obtain my high school diploma in literature. 
Otherwise, I like soccer because I support the PSG team. 
I'm fascinated by the world of the television and the radio. 
I listen to rap music but I like discovering new music styles. I like travelling, talking out with my friends, the cinema, partying, laughter and good-humored people. 
I wish good luck to all for the examens !

My favorite humorist is Gad Elmaleh and I like Jamel Debouzze too.

My favorite cult movie is Pirates of the Caribbeans.

My favorite TV series are Doctor House and My Wife and Kids ("Ma famille d'abord" in french).

My favorite music group is Black Eyed Peas (I didn't like too much the groups)

I haven't got favorite music but I love many singers like Jay-Z, Mickael Jackson,Pharrell Williams, Beyoncé, Drake, Earth Win and Fire, Stromaë, Daft Punk, Breakbot, AND ZAZ (No it's a joke)

My favorites american actors are Morgan Freeman, Johnny Deep, Jamie Foxx, Eva Longoria...

My favorites french actors are Omar Sy, Sophie Marceau, Kad Merad, Franck Dubosc...

My favorites sportsmen are Usain Bolt, Tony Parker, Zlatan Ibraimovitch, Cristiano Ronaldo, Teddy Riner...

My favorite day is  friday because it´s the week-end ! I hate  monday

My favorites legends are Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King

My favorite season is summer

My favorite city in France is Paris (and Lyons too)

My favorite teacher is Mrs Papy (I'm a little crawler!)

Thanks for reading ! Courage, it's soon the holidays !


Friday 10 October 2014

The Nobel Peace Prize 2014 - Press Release

The Nobel Peace Prize 2014 - Press Release

The pupil formerly known as YaYaTamTam...

Hello guys !
 Let's introduce myself. 
I'm Elise alias Honey. 
Last year I was Yaya Tamtam but I changed, it was so long. I prefer Honey, it's cutest :) 

I am in terminal L and I'm 16. 

I love reading books and listening to music. 

I listen to several kind of music: reggae, a bit of rap etc... 

I want to talk about a book that I really appreciate, I read it twice. 

 It's "Les yeux jaunes des crocodiles". 

Don't judge this book by its cover and title. 

It is about life, love, work and maybe philosophy. 

 It's the story of a woman very simple, she lacks self-confidence, she lost her husband, her sister is so rich and beautiful, she writes a book, there is a big liar, she falls in love, she is lost in her mind, her daughters grow up, she talks to the stars, her mother is cruel. 

She could be anyone in real life. 

This book is funny, touching, sometimes sad, but mainly it is hoping. 

Katherine Pancol (the author) wrote 2 books for the hangers-on who are so good too: "La valse lente des tortues" and "Les écureuils de Central Park sont tristes le dimanche". 

Anyway, I can say that there are one of my favorites books.

 I recommended them for people who aren't scared by 600 and 900 pages  books  :p


Thursday 9 October 2014

We welcome Primrose...


         First of all I am Primrose ( or Prim ). 
I think most of you already suppose I took this pseudonyme from "The Hunger Games" series.
 I chose it because, in the books, Prim seems to be the sweetest girl in the world, and I am nothing near sweet. I love what is dark, and she is just so light, almost shinny.

I live with my mother, sisters and brother in Bourges. 
We moved in almost two years ago; before that I lived near Paris. 
I like it here because there are not too many people, I enjoy the silence when I can reach it.

         I have a real passion for  reading and writing. I wanted to become a writer when I was a young girl but I changed my mind growing up, I became more realistic. I suppose.

I think I love reading because it makes me forget everything else, only a few people can understand how much it is good to just read, and stop thinking. I love escaping reality sometimes, just get myself lost in a world which is not mine, even if it only exists on paper.

This article is for my English class so I guess I will write about a British book. One of my favorite is "The picture of Dorian Grey" by Oscar Wilde. It is one of the most amazing British novel for me.

         It is the story of Dorian Grey, a wealthy young man who tries to discover the world by himself. He is really charming and attractive, but he doesn't even know himself and that's what I think is making him so different.

Suddenly he met a man who changed his life, forever.

This older friend made him explore dangerous ways into decadence. Drug, alcohol, prostitutes, simply every sins he knew. He enjoyed it, like young people who are too curious to stop discovering new pleasures. But the pain and scars he inflicted  on himself didn't affect his body, only his soul, which he sold to the devil and got stocked in a picture of him to keep his body young, forever.

I won't tell the end, I don't want to spoil it, but I recommand that book, it is a really beautiful piece of work, and Wilde was just a genius !

 To finish my presentation, just a little quote from my favorite German play, "Faust" by Goethe.

" The deed is everything, the glory nothing. "


Wednesday 8 October 2014

Somethingintheway is back...

Hey everybody !!!!!

I’m somethingintheway ( in link with the song of Nirvana) I’m 19 , I’m here for the third year because I'm repeating a year .

Since this summer I moved in Bourges next to the Auron lake.

I have some hobbies , I’m a volunteer fireman andI spend the majority of my time with headphones listening to music: I listen a lot to rock, metal and folk metal .

One of my favorite band is Motörhead .

 [this is a song I particularly enjoy! Mrs P.]

 I like to read: my favorite books is from Maxime Chattam ,it’s “autre monde”, and I really like TV series and movies .

This time I chose to present you my favorite  movie ,it is based on a novel by Chuck Palahniuk : it’s the story of Jack who just hopes for one thing  : escape from his monotonous daily life. 

He will meet Tyler Durden a soap seller with an anarchist and disturbing philosophy. 
Together they decide to create a thing with eight rules who will be organized all around the world .

But this movie has a list of rules which prohibit to say what it is and it would be sad to break the rules  ,  so I will give you the rules and maybe you will find what is the name of this movie:

- The first rule is, you do not talk about it
- The second rule is, you do not talk about it
- The third rules is, if someone yells stop, goes limp, top out the fight is over
- The fourth rules is, only two guys to a fight
- The fith rules is, one fight a time
- The sixth rules is, no shirts no shoes
- The seventh rules is, fights will go on as they have to
- The eighth and final rules is , if it’s your first night you have to fight .

[Eh! That sounds like a game! Mrs P.]

I hope my article appeals to you , don’t hesitate to leave a comment (please !!! it will help you and me to get some points cause it’s difficult to get extra credits )

See you soon.
