Tuesday 27 May 2014

You'll recognize Rock'n'blur's style...


Hey guys! It’s RockNBlur and I’m back in a new article! Before the holidays, Mrs P. asked us to talk about a great idea or invention and to tell why it appeals to us. Well… What is a great invention to me? It would be something useful, maybe handsome, and obviously funny! What invention could gather these three criteria? ... Oh! Wait a minute! I know!

For my sake, great invention rhymes with… PlayStation!!! As you may know, I’m crazy about videogames. When I was little, with my childhood friend, we used to play with his father’s PlayStation (the first one), to games as “Crash Bandicoot”, “the Smurfs”, “Tomb Raider”, “Spyro”, etc. . I remember that we really had fun playing these games, even if we didn’t succeed in finishing some of them (we were very young and we didn’t really understand what to do).
Then, when I grew up, I have convinced my parents to buy me a PS2 for Christmas. In reality, it was for my little sister and me, but even if we had two controllers, we had a lot of “one player games”, so I made her watch me playing (what a bad sister I am). Unfortunately, I sold it to buy a Wii, and I really regret this choice now. Especially because it was a limited edition when my parents bought it, so it was rare when we sold it (it was a pink edition). But, also I rapidly got tired of the Wii, because it wasn’t my age and games were all the same (“Mario”, “Just Dance”, etc.). Now, I still have the Wii, but, I don’t play it. We especially keep it for my sister, who sometimes plays it with our cousins when they come.
My parents also bought me a PSP (a PlayStation Portable) for my twelfth birthday, with which I’ve been playing for a long time, and with which I still play today. I remember that I used to connect it with my TV to do as if it was a PS2, and it worked!
During a long moment, I also wanted to sell the Wii to buy a PS3, which has always fascinated me, because of the graphics which were awesome for the time. But, my sister wanted to keep the Wii, so I’ve never had the PS3. Nevertheless, I’ve followed a lot of gameplays on YouTube, with guys who filmed themselves playing PS3 games (as “The Last of Us”, “Tomb Raider 2013”, “Beyond Two Souls”, “Assassin’s Creed”, etc.). It was not me who was playing, but it permitted me to know what the games looked like. However, I was still praying that my sister budges, even if it never happened.
But, last year, on a 20th of February, Sony made an incredible conference about a new game console: the PS4! I’ve seen the entire conference (even if it lasted two hours), in which the graphics, the appearance and some games of this new Playstation were revealed. At the end of this conference, I told myself “I must have a PS4”. So, I’ve been waiting nine months for its release, which was the 29th of November, and which was very long to me. For my birthday and for Christmas, I’ve asked my family to give me money to buy it. But, for Christmas, my parents made me a surprise: they bought me the last PS4 that there was in the shop. It was a real surprise because all the stocks had been drained, and they bought me a pack with the game “Killzone: Shadow Fall” (that I didn’t really like). Now, I play to “Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag”, and I love this adventure game.
As a conclusion, I could say that, to me, PlayStation is a great invention, because it has rocked all my childhood and it continues to rock me today. It is also a great invention because its evolution (whether the way we play or the graphics) permits to escape more and more from reality. In fact, thanks to this game console, we can do everything we couldn’t do in re           ality, such as flying, being a pirate, having superpowers, etc.




  1. Even if is a good invention, it's not the most important or maybe it is for you ? :D

    1. It is not the most important invention to me, but one of the greatest :)

  2. Personally my favorite was Tekken ! '-'

  3. hahaha it's very great choice.

    by grecy

  4. You know how I love Playstation right ? :3 I've been playing videogames on it for a lot more than 10 years, even though when I was very little I didn't understand well what I had to do. So I often watched my brother playing (especially Tomb Raider and Tekken, so that's surely why I'm still a fan of these two games nowadays !) and then I tried to do the same as him but I was so lame !
    Now I'm waiting for the PS4 to be cheaper so I can buy it and try it at last, even though I have the 3 other ones (not the PSP because it didn't attract me, to me a Playstation mustn't be handheld :p)

  5. I detest the video games.. but this picture reminds me good memories.. :')

  6. Technology has evolved ..

  7. I am not a fanatic of video games but I confess that I spent a lot of time playing to ray man and GTA when I was younger !


  8. I totaly agree with you! Playstation is THE invention of the world! My favourite games are Assassin's creed, Uncharted and Tomb Raider! The PS4 is too expansive for me now, I've got the PS3 it's not the best but it's already good ^^

  9. Oh I remember when I played Crash Bandicoot! This game was awesoooome! ^^


    1. No the best is Spyro!!

  10. Xbox's better.

  11. I think, even if i am a girl, it's a good invention, really, it's cool with our failly or with our friends

    Teddy Bear

  12. I've got the ps1, the ps2, the ps3 and the ps4 ^^

    I sold all my ps2 games to bought a wii, that I sold to bought a ps3 that I'm going to sell too because I want another ps4 to play with my father who has the first ps4 ^^


  13. The best game is " call of duty " on PS3 *-*


  14. And on wii, I play to "Mario Kart" and " Just dance " (and others but I will not say you all the games) if someone is interested to play online with me x)


  15. I think this is the greatest invention for you haha, but personnaly I don't think so :p I liked reading your article!

  16. I like this article, it remember me my childhood!

  17. I'm not really a fond of video games, it's been years since I've played (because my brothers are always stuck on it)
