Tuesday 27 May 2014

YMCMB's article...

 I find this subject very .. weird. 
I have taken time to understand where I was going to come .. 
"Choose invention and explain why it is great" in these cases, I would say that ALL inventions are great! 

Some would say first time, internet, computer, television, mobile phone, or music, reading ..
 The Twilight Saga or even Game Of Thrones. 
I hugely reflected on this topic .. 
And suddenly .. like a flash, an idea came to me! 
Yes, it is true that mobile phone or internet are fantastic inventions, that can stay "connected with the entire world," "to have a full social life," which helps to "increase our popularity" .. 

But don't forget that all that remains virtual .. 

Me I found FABULOUS invention that allows to stay connected with oneself .. the ... TOILETS. 
Yes, this small round object, where you can sit quietly, often located in a tiny room where you can unwind. 
Why I find it awesome? It's simple. 
The toilets allow, at first, to "let go", to "empty" (the thought aha). 
Time to go to the toilet is magic, it's time to evacuate all that bothers us for some time. 
Nobody can contradict me. This is a great invention! Without it, we would really be in .. (I'll let you guess the rest). 
Trier jokes. 
The time toilet is a time of relaxation, where you can reflect, be alone .. 
Where you can even read the Twilight saga or play on our laptop telephone. 

The decor also can be nice!
Color or pattern is the choice.

 Sometimes the smell is pleasant, "fir mountain", "lavender", "flower garden" .. 

 Well, now you can find me a little wacky, but I think it's a very thoughtful invention. It is true, new inventions, well, I agree that "it is the class" and revolutionary. But, where do we use, in large part, our new electronic devices ..? 
the WC!!
 With that, I hope you liked my idea, I have not offended anyone! (I'm sorry, but frankly I didn't know what to choose ahaaa) -



  1. I really love your article I found it very funny !! And yes, toilet are very important ! x)

  2. It exist better inventions all the same x)


  3. I have laughed about your article with my friend !

  4. What a funny article!!! xD It made me think of a fan art about the movie Frozen... I don't know if you saw this movie but here is the link to the pic:
    http://www.google.fr/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fi55.servimg.com%2Fu%2Ff55%2F18%2F58%2F00%2F56%2F10006311.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fdisneycentralplaza.englishboard.net%2Ft37010p980-fan-arts-la-reine-des-neiges%3Fhighlight%3Dreine&h=395&w=263&tbnid=UCrF4b1KqQ6AjM%3A&zoom=1&docid=AwalqcrYTYQg8M&itg=1&ei=VqaEU8KhJ4GSOK3ggZAM&tbm=isch&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=468&page=1&start=0&ndsp=34&ved=0CIABEK0DMA4 (I know, this one is very... poetic)

  5. ahhaha you made for me laughed you are veritable comedian.
    The toilet is place where we go on foot and without people, whitout bodyguard even if you be president. Your are the best ymcmb.
    I would like to meet you.

    by grecy

  6. Haha true, I didn't even think of that ! Toilets are the only place where no one bothers you (except if they have something to do but well .. let's not talk about that xD) so it's important :D

  7. I know who published this article! The toilet! A beautiful invention .. We've seen everything on this blog !
    Lala ;)

  8. I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee Twilight !! <3

  9. Ahaha , this article is quite funny but this is kind of true !
    I know someone that would totally agree with you, my best friend loves toilets, she is always going on our breaks and she told me that she could spend her life locked in! I also heard a long time ago that a chinese woman stayed in her toilets for TOW years, no kidding. She was mental and she thought that toilets was the only place where she was safe. The psychiatric nurses came to sort the things out , her bottom was stuck on the plastictoilet bowl !


  10. You can also throw the Twilight saga in the toilets, toilets are awesome.

  11. OMG I totally agree with, I love go to the toilet lol, hum not really but, it's really a good invention, we are quiet!

    Teddy Bear

  12. Game Of Thrones is the best invention of all time !!!!!


  13. Toilets are not natural, you can also do "that" outside, it's more natural.


  14. And to speak about the mobile phone, it's a great invention yes but there are inconvenients : young people are always connected on that.. no life, no communication..


  15. Haha, I would never have thought of that! It's very funny and especially very true!!!!

  16. We can even embellish toilets with items of Game of thrones ;)
