Sunday 11 May 2014

From Bobbie...

I was surfing on the net and I found this video.

I think that this one is really good because it shows the silence that people can have in a situation of racism, some say nothing although they feel uncomfortable. 

Racism exists in the whole world, from white people against black people and also from black people against white people.

This video reminds me of our lesson about South Africa.

I hope this video will make  some people think.

[Thank you very much for your contribution!  Mrs P.]


  1. I like "She could be violet or anything!"...

  2. Thank you Booby for this interesting video. I like the idea of the man about ignorance, and i agree, it's the thing which make us regress. (on every subjects). I agree too with Mrs.P about the sentence "She could be violet or anything!" because it informs well the theme.

    1. It's not Boobie (it means something else!)^^ but Bobbie!

    2. It is a very good video I really appreciated it! Even if racism may still exists some wise people who suffered the most are clever face to it, especially the human ressource woman at the end and the man who said something like past is past now we should go on however we regress.

    3. Booby instead of Bobby ... this mis-type is funny ^^. The video is really nice, it reminds me of the one I saw two days ago. An actor dresses like a homeless person and acts like he is fainting : nobody in the street helps him. He does the same trick later, but dressed like a business man : a few persons take care of him and call an ambulance.

    4. Thank you Mrs P. ^^ I'm Bobbie !

    5. BlueTiara, Bobby instead BobbIE! ^^
      Yes you told me about this video, you should send it on the blog! ;)

    6. LoL Booby is very cute nickname isn't it ?

      BlueTiara, yes, i hope you'll publish this video wich seems to be very interesting (like this une)

  3. In my experiance this type of racism is very present in the US, i'm not saying this doen't happen in other countries but in my opinion this type of racism is very present in the black community in america. It's very annoying to see so i was glad people stood up to speak their minds.

  4. I really think that this video is a good lesson of tolerance. Thanks Bobbie for sharing it ;)

  5. It's a good lesson of tolerance! Unfortunately there is some more of racists and nasty behavior...It's necessary to fight against this plague !! Good article, this video is important in my opinion.

  6. The racism is plague that we must fight.
    It doesn't exist the dna for black or white people.everybody are equal.
    No race is superior or lower than other one.Let us love we them one and the others.peace and love..

    by grecy

  7. i like this video, and particuliary the reaction of the wife at the beggining !

    Teddy Bear

  8. It's so awesome, such a beautiful video that every people must watch to understand that mentality have evolved. Thank you to show me that video !

