Monday 26 May 2014

Oceka's choice ...

I decided to devote this article to an invention , which I find revolutionary.
 For those amputees returned to a normal life is often very difficult , they must réappprendre to live with a silicone prosthesis that serves only an aesthetic purpose , they must cross on their sensitivity and their mobility they had before the amputation . But with the progress of science and the most incredible technology today is possible.

Dennis Aabo Sorensen, a Danish 36 -year-old lost his left arm in an explosion while manipulating light fireworks . Dennis is subjected to the most revolutionary experience . Dennis could find to the sense of touch thanks to an experimental artificial prosthesis connected to the nerves of his arm. The transaction was completed in January 2013 at the Gemelli Hospital in Rome by a team of surgeons and neurologists, under the direction of Dr. Paolo Maria Rossini, who implanted electrodes in the upper left arm amputated. Nearly three weeks of tests were needed before the prosthesis could be connected to the electrodes by the team Silvestro Micera .

After that, the researchers and the patient tested by hand for a week. For these tests , the patient was blindfolded and with earplugs in my ears. It depended as well as the sense of touch, the researchers said . The electrodes were removed after one month, in accordance with the European legislation governing clinical trials . But according to these researchers , they could remain implanted and run several years without damage peripheral nerves.

The team Silvestro Micera , Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL ) in Switzerland, has developed the bionic hand with which the patient can adjust its power to grasp objects and identify their shape and texture. This prosthesis is provided with sensors capable of reacting to the tension of the artificial tendon , converting electric pulses transmitted information when the patient manipulates an object. These converted signals equivalent of nerve impulses are transmitted to the four electrodes on the peripheral nerves grafted arm .

This invention allows multiple people millliers amputees to hope one day regain sensitivity and mobility of their amputated limb . According Stanisa Raspopovic , EPFL , the commercialization of bionic hand should be possible in five years earlier and 15 years later. Mr. Raspopovic, it is difficult at this stage to estimate the price of such a prosthesis, but mass production should costs down.


  1. I think that the bionic arm is a good way to make people who lost their arm still be active in their life. But the big problem of this one is that it is very expensive...

    1. And most people don't have access to this kind of high technology *

  2. I totally agree with you ! The prothesis really changed amputees life ! But unfortunately it's really expensive

  3. Even if it's an artificial prosthesis, he can feel the sense of touch.I find it awesome !
    Kiwi ~

  4. It's very important article.I enjoy your choice it's best.

    by grecy

  5. I think that invention is very very useful.. because this invention helps many people.. People people can once again do things they could not do before..

  6. Pirates had wooden legs so it's not so revolutionary

  7. i agree with Rock and Blur and i think it's revolutionary.. really

    Teddy Bear

  8. Medecine will show the best invention !


  9. I don't like these subjects, it's annoying..


    1. I totally agree with you...

  10. I think, if I have like the person on the last picture, I couldn't live.. It's not a life for me..


  11. For me, the best invention is the insulin pump because as my sister is diabetic, I would like invest me more for example in the creation of an association... because many people doesn't know this disease.

    By Blondy
