Wednesday 21 May 2014

Amazilena and writing...

  So, we had to talk about an invention and explain why we chose it, and why it's something which is wonderful.

I thought of the subject during a long time, and every time I would like to speak of another thing. 

Indeed, there's a lot of bad things in our world.
 But in my opinion we tend to forget that there are too good things: the nature, the science progress to cure deceases, music, arts in general and other luck we have...
The choice was a bit hard but finally, today, i'll talk about writing by different point of views. 

It was invented in 3500 before Jesus: a long time ago. 
Let's explain why I decided to speak about it, which seems to be very old at a time where we make an automatic link between inventions and technologies.

   Firstly, writing was a way to count, and only to count. 
But quickly, we remarked that it was usefull to have an other way to give informations without using the voice. 
Moreover, we liked the idea of being able to describe the reality of a period. 
And it's really important ! 

Imagine, without writing we couldn't know many things about the past, about History. 
We could'nt have the same education as the one we have now, and maybe we could'nt be aware of what happen in our country, in our world. (I especially think about the news paper which was one of the first way to have the news). 

     But what I found of is writing in his artistic part, his poetic side. 

To my mind, it's sad to think that everything or almost has an end, and that when one day i'll desapear, all of me will desapear too. 

But it's not really true. 

Indeed, writing is eternal, poesy is eternal. 
The image of the ink on the paper is perfect to show that. 
It's sad too, to imagine a world (when phones, internet and all technologies didn't exist) where you can't have news of your family if she's far from you.

 For example, my grand parents were separated when my grand father was called to go to Algerie. 
They had to sent each other letters to continue their love...during 6 years !
 And today they have loved each other for more than 50 years. 
What about it if they couldn't write love words...? 

     To finish, to write is really a good way to get rid of what you feel, sometimes when you're sad, disapointed, angry and also when you're happy, proud or I don't know. 

It helps to stick words on feelings you can't describe, or maybe you don't dare to say to anybody. 
And i think that it's even sometimes better than spending his time on facebook, to smoke cigarettes or other thing which seems to help people, but in reality increases their unfortune. 

What if we could feel better only with some words, some points, some ink and some paper ? 

                 I hope you enjoyed to read this article, and you'll give your opinion, because this blog is really more interesting when there's debates, or even just some dialogs together. 



  1. "deceases" is it a new word? ^^
    Your article is nice, your Grand parents story is lovely ! Thanks to the writing!

    1. I don't know what it is, but you can guess the idea. Thank you for them :).

  2. I think that writing can really help feeling better, because when I feel bad, I write what I think and I feel better. So I think that writing is one of the best inventions of all the time :)

    1. Oh yes it is! Besides it's the best medicine

  3. Writing is a beautiful artform, I love to write about things that worry me, make me happy, or simply inspire me. I don't share these things with others because I don't think it's interesting for them, even if I personally love to read what others write, be they poems, stories or whatever. Anyway ! I totally agree with you about writing :)

    1. You should try to show what you write to someone, maybe you could have great suprises!

  4. Your invention must have helped you to create this article ;)

    1. Of course! And it's why it's the best invention ever :)

  5. I agree with you, writing is one of the main inventions in human history :)

  6. Your article was very informative and i can see that you were inspired by this subject. It was nice to read.

    1. Thank you Maelstorm !

    2. The writing is very important to me, we are free on the paper

      Teddy Bear

  7. Interesting subject ! I learnt full of things, good article !

  8. without writing the languages and litterature would not be exist. I love your article it very funny.

    by grecy

  9. Writing is a good invention, except when it comes to writing stuff philosophy course ..

  10. About history: "Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it."

  11. Hey this idea of topic is pretty smart ! if we couldn't write then ,I couldn't have told you !


  12. It was an awesome article :)

