Wednesday 14 May 2014

Another extra article from Littlebeefly (official provider of Extra articles for 2013-2014!)

The 100

Hello everyone !

I discovered yesterday an american post-apocalyptic Science-fiction series, a thriller and also a drama that I enjoyed  a lot : The 100.

The 100 is unfortunately not available in France or French speaking countries, but it's possible to see it with subtitles.

This series has for the moment 11 episodes for 1 season.

It tells the stories of 100 young people -but the series focuses on 8 characters- who are sent on  Earth.

 Earth suffered especially of radioactivity after a nuclear war. 
That's why humans are putting on spaces stations to live and be in security (because the Earth is dangerous). 
The main station is called The Ark and  2,400 people live there (3 generations) . 
But the Ark system is falling down, and the only solution is to send people away, on the Earth. 
It's why 100 young people who were accused of criminal things or treason, are sent to  Earth with a sort of rocket.

If they survive on  Earth, they can be free and no more penalty can  be held against them. 
For them to survive, they must go on a mountain which contains food and water, but it's beyond a radioactive zone, and, moreover, it's  far fromwhere they landed.

In the 100, we can see the story of  Clarke Griffin, Octavia Blake, Finn Collins, Bellamy Blake,  Christopher Larkins and Jasper.

In the beginning, the young prisonners are happy because they are on  Earth and they are free, but, over the story, we can see problems, conflicts, treasons, and revelations come to them.

Begins a story with fearl, danger and  killers. 

Can the 100 reach their destination? How many will survive?

I watched the first two episodes of The 100 and I love d it ! 
Of course, people died and strange things happened, but I love the story, the suspense, (the danger too) , the characters and musics.

The 100 makes me think a little bit of After Earth, The Most Dangerous Game or Koh Lanta because the story takes place in the Future, and young people have to survive in a place unknown and they must kill others or betray the others.

Many people (espacially in the USA : 2,7 millions viewers) like this serie. 

So, I hope a Second season is coming  to know what happened to the characters. 

That's all. See you soon !

Here is the trailer :



  1. Cool! I like the deer with two heads!^^

    1. Yeah I like it too. At the begining, when I see him I was surprise about that, but, it's funny.

  2. I'm definatly checking this out, thanks, i've trying to start a new series!

  3. I have to watch this series ! The first episode at least ;)

  4. Your article made me want to watch this serie!!! I love science-fiction!!! :)

  5. It reminds me of the show 'Terra Nova' were the characters are sent back to the earth during the Jurassic period, so they are confronted to some big bad creatures ^^

  6. This serie looks cool ! It works well in the the USA! The Americans loves this type of series...

  7. You're article is nice!
    I'm gonna watch this serie, it looks really good!
    Thanks for sharing ;)

  8. I like you article ! It tempt me to look the film ^^

  9. I enjoy your article it very funny

    by grecy

  10. So it's airing in France ?

  11. I prefer Breaking Bad :p

