Tuesday 27 May 2014

Tsisa's ...

Today, I’ll talk about a great invention: The bicycle. 

In my opinion, it’s one of the greatest inventions
in the world, because:

   - It’s ecological 
   - That’s soundproof or almost. 
   - People who use it do sport, and that’s 
     good for health
   - With this means of transport, peoples can
     take every path, so it can be faster than
     a car in traffic jam
   - We can have a break when we want, where 
      we want.

I also think, but this point can be discuss, that go
cycling is a good opportunity to be alone, with our thinking (or on the contrary with no thinking), so a good way to relax. I often go cycling when I’m hungry, or when I need to think about anything, and it relaxes me a lot.

But, the greatest invention in the world has disadvantages…

 - The road isn’t always flat, so it can be good when it’s in downhill slope, but when it’s in uphill slope…

 - When its rain, you should not to be a sugar.

 - When the weather is windy, it’s too hard to progres

 - When it’s cold too, we can have a coat, but our face is totally frozen.

So, in spite of the disadvantage, I think the bicycle is even though a so great invention  because of its useful and its good for the health sides.


  1. With all means of transport that there's now one could spend bike..

  2. I do agree with you on this point; the cycle is a great invention. I miss the time when I used to ride it and I thought of doing it again because if feel so unfit !


  3. I liked cycling when I was younger (even if I didn't stop falling because I was pretty bad). Now, I'd like to cycle again, but unfortunately I can't because I don't have a bicycle... :/

  4. it's verry good for health, and when we are on a bycicle we fell free!

    Teddy Bear

  5. I think the bicycle is very practical.


    1. I agree even if I don't really cycling !

  6. I like go on bicycle but I don't know to pedal... good invention

    by grecy

  7. When I was young I did a lot of bicycle !


  8. I like the bicycle, I think it is a good invention, especially for the planet !


  9. Bicycle is a great invention, but maybe not the greatest.. Otherwise your article is good! :)

  10. I think the bicycle is one of the best invention for the planet
