Saturday 31 May 2014


Thursday 29 May 2014

A poet has died... but will be remembered.

Phenomenal Woman

1928–2014 Maya Angelou
Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.
I’m not cute or built to suit a fashion model’s size   
But when I start to tell them,
They think I’m telling lies.
I say,
It’s in the reach of my arms,
The span of my hips,   
The stride of my step,   
The curl of my lips.   
I’m a woman
Phenomenal woman,   
That’s me.

I walk into a room
Just as cool as you please,   
And to a man,
The fellows stand or
Fall down on their knees.   
Then they swarm around me,
A hive of honey bees.   
I say,
It’s the fire in my eyes,   
And the flash of my teeth,   
The swing in my waist,   
And the joy in my feet.   
I’m a woman

Phenomenal woman,
That’s me.

Men themselves have wondered   
What they see in me.
They try so much
But they can’t touch
My inner mystery.
When I try to show them,   
They say they still can’t see.   
I say,
It’s in the arch of my back,   
The sun of my smile,
The ride of my breasts,
The grace of my style.
I’m a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That’s me.

Now you understand
Just why my head’s not bowed.   
I don’t shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud.   
When you see me passing,
It ought to make you proud.
I say,
It’s in the click of my heels,   
The bend of my hair,   
the palm of my hand,   
The need for my care.   
’Cause I’m a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That’s me.

Share this text ...?
Maya Angelou, “Phenomenal Woman” from And Still I Rise. Copyright © 1978 by Maya Angelou.

Used by permission of Random House, Inc.
Source: The Complete Collected Poems of Maya Angelou (Random House Inc., 1994)

Imnotyou's favourite invention...

For this article « what's for you the best invention ? » I was wondering what is the best invention of all time and I found... TOO MANY ! Also I thought what is the most useless thing ?

And there's also many many but some are just crazy and ridiculous like the one I've choosen.

It is a fan for table settings !

 That is the best object for lazy people. Imagine the advertising of this product :

From 6:30 am awake, dying work, insane boss, trafic jam, rebel kids, and then the evening the only thing you don't want to do is to blow on your food ! 

Yes because you don 't have enough energy to do it by yourself. 

Thank you table setting fan ! »

Although I don't know if it was marketed. 

For sure one of the craziest creation of the 20th century!

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Lala's article...

The epidural is an anesthetic technique that involves administering medication into the epidural space, regulary or continuously through a catheter placed in the lower back.

This technique aims to reduce or abolish the painful sensations of contractions acting close to the nerves that transmit plain.

In my opinion, this invention is one of the most useful and one of the most efficient because that it has changed or improved the births of women. 

Moreover, I think that this invention is more and more used.

To conclude, women suffer less and it is even more advantageous for women who have a lot of children.

We can see that society was very changed and mentalities are changed also.

More and more, we lived in a modern society and it is very good ! 
Women also are no longer seen as an inferiority to the point where today epidural exist.

I totally agree with this invention and I LIKE IT !



Tuesday 27 May 2014

Tsisa's ...

Today, I’ll talk about a great invention: The bicycle. 

In my opinion, it’s one of the greatest inventions
in the world, because:

   - It’s ecological 
   - That’s soundproof or almost. 
   - People who use it do sport, and that’s 
     good for health
   - With this means of transport, peoples can
     take every path, so it can be faster than
     a car in traffic jam
   - We can have a break when we want, where 
      we want.

I also think, but this point can be discuss, that go
cycling is a good opportunity to be alone, with our thinking (or on the contrary with no thinking), so a good way to relax. I often go cycling when I’m hungry, or when I need to think about anything, and it relaxes me a lot.

But, the greatest invention in the world has disadvantages…

 - The road isn’t always flat, so it can be good when it’s in downhill slope, but when it’s in uphill slope…

 - When its rain, you should not to be a sugar.

 - When the weather is windy, it’s too hard to progres

 - When it’s cold too, we can have a coat, but our face is totally frozen.

So, in spite of the disadvantage, I think the bicycle is even though a so great invention  because of its useful and its good for the health sides.

YMCMB's article...

 I find this subject very .. weird. 
I have taken time to understand where I was going to come .. 
"Choose invention and explain why it is great" in these cases, I would say that ALL inventions are great! 

Some would say first time, internet, computer, television, mobile phone, or music, reading ..
 The Twilight Saga or even Game Of Thrones. 
I hugely reflected on this topic .. 
And suddenly .. like a flash, an idea came to me! 
Yes, it is true that mobile phone or internet are fantastic inventions, that can stay "connected with the entire world," "to have a full social life," which helps to "increase our popularity" .. 

But don't forget that all that remains virtual .. 

Me I found FABULOUS invention that allows to stay connected with oneself .. the ... TOILETS. 
Yes, this small round object, where you can sit quietly, often located in a tiny room where you can unwind. 
Why I find it awesome? It's simple. 
The toilets allow, at first, to "let go", to "empty" (the thought aha). 
Time to go to the toilet is magic, it's time to evacuate all that bothers us for some time. 
Nobody can contradict me. This is a great invention! Without it, we would really be in .. (I'll let you guess the rest). 
Trier jokes. 
The time toilet is a time of relaxation, where you can reflect, be alone .. 
Where you can even read the Twilight saga or play on our laptop telephone. 

The decor also can be nice!
Color or pattern is the choice.

 Sometimes the smell is pleasant, "fir mountain", "lavender", "flower garden" .. 

 Well, now you can find me a little wacky, but I think it's a very thoughtful invention. It is true, new inventions, well, I agree that "it is the class" and revolutionary. But, where do we use, in large part, our new electronic devices ..? 
the WC!!
 With that, I hope you liked my idea, I have not offended anyone! (I'm sorry, but frankly I didn't know what to choose ahaaa) -


You'll recognize Rock'n'blur's style...


Hey guys! It’s RockNBlur and I’m back in a new article! Before the holidays, Mrs P. asked us to talk about a great idea or invention and to tell why it appeals to us. Well… What is a great invention to me? It would be something useful, maybe handsome, and obviously funny! What invention could gather these three criteria? ... Oh! Wait a minute! I know!

For my sake, great invention rhymes with… PlayStation!!! As you may know, I’m crazy about videogames. When I was little, with my childhood friend, we used to play with his father’s PlayStation (the first one), to games as “Crash Bandicoot”, “the Smurfs”, “Tomb Raider”, “Spyro”, etc. . I remember that we really had fun playing these games, even if we didn’t succeed in finishing some of them (we were very young and we didn’t really understand what to do).
Then, when I grew up, I have convinced my parents to buy me a PS2 for Christmas. In reality, it was for my little sister and me, but even if we had two controllers, we had a lot of “one player games”, so I made her watch me playing (what a bad sister I am). Unfortunately, I sold it to buy a Wii, and I really regret this choice now. Especially because it was a limited edition when my parents bought it, so it was rare when we sold it (it was a pink edition). But, also I rapidly got tired of the Wii, because it wasn’t my age and games were all the same (“Mario”, “Just Dance”, etc.). Now, I still have the Wii, but, I don’t play it. We especially keep it for my sister, who sometimes plays it with our cousins when they come.
My parents also bought me a PSP (a PlayStation Portable) for my twelfth birthday, with which I’ve been playing for a long time, and with which I still play today. I remember that I used to connect it with my TV to do as if it was a PS2, and it worked!
During a long moment, I also wanted to sell the Wii to buy a PS3, which has always fascinated me, because of the graphics which were awesome for the time. But, my sister wanted to keep the Wii, so I’ve never had the PS3. Nevertheless, I’ve followed a lot of gameplays on YouTube, with guys who filmed themselves playing PS3 games (as “The Last of Us”, “Tomb Raider 2013”, “Beyond Two Souls”, “Assassin’s Creed”, etc.). It was not me who was playing, but it permitted me to know what the games looked like. However, I was still praying that my sister budges, even if it never happened.
But, last year, on a 20th of February, Sony made an incredible conference about a new game console: the PS4! I’ve seen the entire conference (even if it lasted two hours), in which the graphics, the appearance and some games of this new Playstation were revealed. At the end of this conference, I told myself “I must have a PS4”. So, I’ve been waiting nine months for its release, which was the 29th of November, and which was very long to me. For my birthday and for Christmas, I’ve asked my family to give me money to buy it. But, for Christmas, my parents made me a surprise: they bought me the last PS4 that there was in the shop. It was a real surprise because all the stocks had been drained, and they bought me a pack with the game “Killzone: Shadow Fall” (that I didn’t really like). Now, I play to “Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag”, and I love this adventure game.
As a conclusion, I could say that, to me, PlayStation is a great invention, because it has rocked all my childhood and it continues to rock me today. It is also a great invention because its evolution (whether the way we play or the graphics) permits to escape more and more from reality. In fact, thanks to this game console, we can do everything we couldn’t do in re           ality, such as flying, being a pirate, having superpowers, etc.



Monday 26 May 2014

Camka's favourite invention...

For this article, we have to introduce an invention which for us is a revolutionary invention. For me, a revolutionary invention is an invention which is ingenious, who contribute to make our daily life better. We have seen on the blog the Suvir Mirchandani’s smart idea. Thanks to him, the US government have saved about $234 million !
So, I have decided to introduce the windmill. A windmill is a machine that converts the energy of wind into rotational energy by means of vanes called sails or blades. The reason for the name "windmill" is that the devices originally were developed for milling grain for food production; the name stuck when in the course of history, windmill machinery was adapted to supply power for many industrial and agricultural needs other than milling. The majority of modern windmills take the form of wind turbines used to generate electricity, or windpumps used to pump water, either for land drainage or to extract groundwater.

I think that windmill are good invention because thanks to that, in 2011, 3% of the french electricity was produce by the windmill. Moreover, this new market promise round 60 000 new jobs for french peoples. This market is growing in France and everywhere on the world, thanks to that, in few years, we can hope that all of the electricity of the world can be produce by the windmill.  

Oceka's choice ...

I decided to devote this article to an invention , which I find revolutionary.
 For those amputees returned to a normal life is often very difficult , they must réappprendre to live with a silicone prosthesis that serves only an aesthetic purpose , they must cross on their sensitivity and their mobility they had before the amputation . But with the progress of science and the most incredible technology today is possible.

Dennis Aabo Sorensen, a Danish 36 -year-old lost his left arm in an explosion while manipulating light fireworks . Dennis is subjected to the most revolutionary experience . Dennis could find to the sense of touch thanks to an experimental artificial prosthesis connected to the nerves of his arm. The transaction was completed in January 2013 at the Gemelli Hospital in Rome by a team of surgeons and neurologists, under the direction of Dr. Paolo Maria Rossini, who implanted electrodes in the upper left arm amputated. Nearly three weeks of tests were needed before the prosthesis could be connected to the electrodes by the team Silvestro Micera .

After that, the researchers and the patient tested by hand for a week. For these tests , the patient was blindfolded and with earplugs in my ears. It depended as well as the sense of touch, the researchers said . The electrodes were removed after one month, in accordance with the European legislation governing clinical trials . But according to these researchers , they could remain implanted and run several years without damage peripheral nerves.

The team Silvestro Micera , Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL ) in Switzerland, has developed the bionic hand with which the patient can adjust its power to grasp objects and identify their shape and texture. This prosthesis is provided with sensors capable of reacting to the tension of the artificial tendon , converting electric pulses transmitted information when the patient manipulates an object. These converted signals equivalent of nerve impulses are transmitted to the four electrodes on the peripheral nerves grafted arm .

This invention allows multiple people millliers amputees to hope one day regain sensitivity and mobility of their amputated limb . According Stanisa Raspopovic , EPFL , the commercialization of bionic hand should be possible in five years earlier and 15 years later. Mr. Raspopovic, it is difficult at this stage to estimate the price of such a prosthesis, but mass production should costs down.

Sunday 25 May 2014

Brainbow's choice of invention...

Firstly, to choose the innovative invention that I will present,  I used this website: (which is itself a little bit awesome )

 It's a generator of random word, idea or sentence.

 So, according to the Chick, I'm supposed to talk about Robot.

I found in the shallows of the web, this:        THE MOST USELESS MACHINE

And I found it, absolutely WONDERFUL ! 

A machine that does only one thing : Swich Off by itself. 

In my opinion, the majority of things we use every day are useless. 
I mean not necessary for survival. 

Of billion and billion are spent in advertising to sell us a whole new generation of toothbrush,
 (a tooth brush is a tooth brush, if you want beautiful teeth, you wash them, there's no secret)

Or any other technologic item less necessary but which know how to make themselves indispensable.(cellphones, gadgets ,new car or new washing machine while the previous always work., etc etc)

I think it's great to create a machine that mocks a bit of everything that being made.

Cause do not forget that the predictions of horror are numerous:

-I Robot (Robots rebelled and attack humans) 

- The simpson's episode "horror show XII" (Robotic House fall in love with marge and try to kill her husband)

-Terminator (robots took control of the Earth)

-Matrix (Machine govern all)

-Wall-e  (robot controlling the lifeboat-spaceship)

it will be terrible!

And this invention is probably the only one that will represent no danger to humanity!

Brainbow !

K-Za on electricity...

The Electricity
For me, the best invention its electricity and I will tell you why.

To start, without electricity we can’t nothing do.
 In 1800, Italian Volta invents a battery and produce for the first time current.
 The American Thomas Edison develops in 1789 a light bulb and built the first power plant in Manhattan.

 Then, in 20’s in Paris, London, and Berlin electricity takes places in houses.
 Nowadays, we cannot imagine the life without electricity, because we need every day. 
Indeed, electricity change our life because we can have ; hot water, heating, lights, television, phone, computer with internet, washing machine, dishwasher, fridge, cars, buses (necessitate battery).                                                                                            I can note move me to do without electricity.                                                                                                                              To add, electricity doesn’t pollute and it’s a renewable energy; photovoltaic panels, Aeolian…

Happy French mother's day!

Friday 23 May 2014

Forest loves a ride...

Today, I will speak about the invention which I find brilliant. 

So, it can be very stupid but in my opinion BUS are a very very good invention.

 Indeed, it's very practical if you don't have car (or if you don't want it), or if you want to go to school (I'm sure that you want to go to school Mouahahah ) when you don't have your driving licence.
It's not very expensive, for example in B., a ticket costs 1,30 €.

You can go where you want and you're sure to be on time for your appointment.
You can meet other people who take Bus, you can speak with them and become best friend for ever ( Today it's really rare because people are plugged in their mobile phone… it's so shame I find..), or you can meet people who smell so bad and have a hysterical laughter with your friend (although it's very horrible OMG). 

When you take Bus, you protect environment because there are less pollution as if everybody take his car, you save up because you pay for example 120€ for one year while you take your car you pay 120€ for two months. 

To conclude, I think bus are a very good invention because it's very practical for people who have no choice to take the bus because they don't have car, it's better for environment ( I think in B. bus run with natural gas) and for your wallet !



Nomika's article...

Hi everyone !

            When we were told about our new article topic, I honestly couldn't think of any invention that I find really essential. 

Then I thought about music.

 I know, or at least I think that this is not the first thing we think about when we have to talk about an invention. 

I just can't think of a real item, and choosing a single instrument would be hard too ! 

So I will talk about music in general.

            If I couldn't play or listen to music anymore, I'm sure life would be so boring ! ...

 It's true, I'm almost always listening to something (except maybe while I'm sleeping).

 I believe musics and songs can inspire us for many things, even in our everyday life, maybe should I say «  especially » in everyday life. 

Whether we're sad or happy, whether we spent a good or a bad day, listening to a song that we love can make us a bit happier, or bring back the good memories of the day. 

Moreover, music can draw people closer to each other (well it can also divide them when people hate what others listen to, but let's not talk about that, haha).

            My opinion may seem quite cheesy to some of you ...
Nevertheless, I can definitely say that if music didn't exist, somebody would have to create it !

            And you, what do you think ? :)

Thursday 22 May 2014

Bobbie's favourite invention...doesn't exist yet!

This is THE invention of the moment!

It's like a car, you can go everywhere you want to!
You want to go to Bourges?
You can, or to Bordeaux or to Paris? You can!
And you can even go in 1953 or in 2075

The only problem is .... it doesn't exist yet...

What about going in space for only 250 000$ ?

This invention can allow people to go in space to admire the Earth from 18.5 miles (30 kilometres).

You're in a space capsule, linked to a balloon full of helium. You can stay 2 hours in space, then you have to go back on Earth.

It could be a nice experience, moreover it could be interesting.... if you're rich... (I'd like to but I'm not ^^)

More seriously, I think that the greatest invention is the toaster, the automatic electric toaster is a revolutionary device! 

What is better than having hot and crispy bread with some butter and jam, with some coffee and orange juice for the breakfast?

I think that this is the best moment of my day.

A really good and fresh toasted bread, yummy!

In my opinion this is a really ingenious invention... yes it is!

I hope you enjoyed my article! 

[what about this one? Mrs P.]