Sunday 9 February 2014

Rock'n'blur and money...

If I was a rich girl…

     Hey everyone! It’s RockNBlur! I hope that you are fine! Today, I’m going to talk about money. In fact, currently, our country knows an economical crisis, and I think that we need to dream about what we would do if we won different sums of money (because hope makes  us live, doesn't it?).
  So, if I won 500 Euros, I think that I would keep it for me and that I would spend it doing shopping, buying a lot of clothes, shoes, videogames, makeup, etc. 
I know that this wish is quite superficial and materialistic… 
But who has never dreamt to go shopping with 500 Euros to spend? 
But, to be reasonable, I also think that I will save a little part, to earn interest in case I would need money one day (because we can’t be too careful), and thanks to this great idea, maybe one day I would succeed in having 100,000 Euros! 
But, wait, what would I do with all that money?

   Well, if I had 100,000 Euros, I would realize my dream, which is to go to live in New York City. 
But beware! I would like to live in an ENORMOUS apartment, with a view on Central Park, next to Times Square, with a maid and a personal cook. 
You will tell me that it is shallow, that I would consider myself as in a fictive life… and you will be right! 
And you will also tell me that it is impossible to live a luxurious life with only 100,000 Euros... 
and you will also be right! 
But it is beautiful to dream sometimes! 
Maybe if one day I won the lotto or “Who Wants to be a Millionaire?”, and that, therefore, I would win 1,000,000 Euros, I would become very rich with 1,010,000 Euros!

            However, I would not spend all this money, because it would be very selfish and I would feel very guilty for all these persons all over the world who have nothing, and who need money. 
So, that’s the reason why I would divide 50 % of my gain to a lot of associations, to finance research to treat diseases, like AIDS, Leucodystrophy, Cancer, and also to build hospitals and schools in poor countries. 
And if I won more money, I would give more to these associations and to other ones.



  1. I think that your plane If you won a lot of money are very good, very generous and beautiful ;)


  2. We have the same point of you about money. It's very interesting. You are generous!


  3. I'd like to have a made too... It's a good idea to donate money for research on curing these important diseases.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Could I become your joint-tenant when you will live in New York?! :D


    1. Oh cool! When will we pack up our suitcases!? :)


    2. Hmmmm... When I'll find all that money!!! :)

  6. An apartment in New York with view on Central Parc, next to Times Square ... I want the same thing ! *.* I want to leave now... :(


    1. Me too... Seeing New York by winter, it seems beautiful!

    2. Yes, more than France !


    3. You're young, you have time to achieve your dream ;).


    4. I don't understand why everybody wants to live in NY city, it's a beautiful town, I agree because I have already gone there, but there are many others countries very wonderful...


    5. To answer your question, I think that New York city represents the "American dream", and also success. That's the reason why everybody wants to go there. Personally, I've been rocked in the dream of going there (thanks to movies, series, books, etc.), as a lot of people I think... But you're lucky to have visited it ;)

  7. You're generous, I think I shall make as you if I won all this money.

  8. You're really optimistic, live in New-York in a big apartment, near Central Park with a maid and a cooker with 100 000 € it's will be for a week or a few months, life in New-York is expansive!
    You're really generous giving 50% of your money to associations!

    1. Yes, I know that it is expensive, it's a pity... :/

  9. These are good deeds you're saying ..

  10. New York, this beautiful city! Though for my part, I don't see myself living there, too crowded, too much stress!

    1. I think that I would like to go to work there later... But not for my entire life, because crowd and noise would annoy me if I stay there for a really long time. Personnaly, if I could live to New York, I think that I would stay there for 2 or 3 years.

  11. You're generous to divide 50 % of your gain to associations, it's great ;)

  12. I love your article! I found it very funny, and you have a good mind.

  13. Money for associations is very generous, I share your point of view about that. In rich countries like France, United-States... etc, we don't know the chance we have, to live in France...


  14. Good article! :)
    By Oceka

  15. I think New York is a good place to live, because of the diversity in the city by itself.


  16. I like your plans and I would like to go to New York with you !


  17. Good article ! :)
    By the aunt of Oceka

  18. If you was a rich girl... you will be happy

