Friday 28 February 2014

Another extra article from Littlebeefly

  Animals in danger !!!

Hi ! It's Littlebeefly ! 
We all know very well that the animals are in danger. I've decided to write this article to talk about some endangered marine animals  to raise the alarm.
70% of marine animals are disappearing.
The most common causes are  hunting, sound and industrial pollution .

We find more and more whales and also dolphins stranded on beaches 'cause of the noise of  boats and sonar submarines that trouble them.

The marine pollution causes the death of sea turtles and dolphins choke on plastic bags that are in the sea. Turtles mistake them for jellyfishs.

Moreover, the hunting practices destroyed the species. 
I'm thinking about seahorses  caught to be dried to be keyrings, and also about sharks who are caught alive for  aileron cutting by Asians in particular, who believe that the aileron has aphrodisiac properties.

I find this ways scandalous for animals ! 
This ill-treatment of marine animals destroy the ecosystem! 
Even the shark that is called a killer and a predator is useful to nature: it is there to eat the bodies of dead animals.

To make seahorses keyrings for money, is really disgusting! 
The animals are in our  pollution!

Humans should become more aware of their actions on the ecosystem whether marine or terrestrial. 
If an animal disappears, it would affect not only the Flora and Fauna, but also  us, the Humans.

Of course, 
we, the readers of this article,  can do nothing, but we can at least talk and condemn these barbaric acts.


(and for all her extra work to entertain us with articles on various interesting topics, Littlebeefly will get a bonus on her marks for this term.   Mrs P.).


  1. I know this situation for this animals.. There is the same problem with gorilla to make our mobile phone.. Human is so pathetic in my opinion ...


  2. It's too bad for the animals :/ People are unconscious.


    1. Yes, I totally agree :/ They don't think about the animals ...

  3. Good article, I agree with you and you opinion. I like a shark it's my favorite animal.


  4. I don't know why people can't be more careful .. For example for the plastic bags, which aren't really thrown out by hunters, but some of us. It's not all about making big changes, but only to be a little bit more careful with this kind of things.

  5. It's all about money, as long as there was money in the human game is ready for anything ..

  6. A Lot of people must be mobilized. If nobody do nothing, our lifes will be also in danger.

  7. Hunting is very barbare I think when we do this for bad reason, Aphrodisiac properties aren't essential for life.


  8. Thank You Mrs P.

  9. I think we are very unconscious, we have to all fight against this phenomenon. This article is important, the human beings have to react !!

  10. It's a shame. The World is too occupated with money, to see the others problems..


  11. Great article. :)


  12. Your article is great! It's really important for people to know that humans can be horrible with animals, they don't deserve it! Moreover for example ailerons cutting is horrible because maybe 70% of the shark is wasted! This is horrible, if we don't do anything our grandchild will have a really bad future!

  13. Your article is great! It's really important for people to know that humans can be horrible with animals, they don't deserve it! Moreover for example ailerons cutting is horrible because maybe 70% of the shark is wasted! This is horrible, if we don't do anything our grandchild will have a really bad future!
