Wednesday 26 February 2014

Folt's article...

Oh my god, I’m rich! By Folt

                Hello everybody! Today the question is “What would you do if you found 500 euros? Won 10,000 euros? Won 1,000,000 euros or more?”  So instantaneously, I have no answers! Because we can do a lot of things with so much money!

                First of all, if I find 500 euros, I’ll eat it (no I’m joking!). No, I think I will buy a lot of album and DVDs or buy the ps4! Or maybe I will not spend it, I’ll keep it for something most important because it’s the crisis!! Or I’ll offer to a relative… or not! :P

                On the other hand, if I find 10,000 euros, I’ll travel thru all the USA or Australia, because, like I said in the other article, it’s my dream to travel over there! I will visited New York, Washington DC, Miami, New Orleans, Dallas, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Saint Louis, Rocky Mountains, US 66…  in brief, all the USA (but it’s too much big).
Or I will go to Australia to see kangaroos, koalas and a lot of wild animals! I will surf in the beautiful beaches or just swim in the sea… I will discover Sydney, Perth, Ayers Rock and wild lands!

                And finally, if I find more than 1,000,000 euros, I will give at least half to my relatives and associations to help the problems in the world like the poverty or serious illnesses for example.

It’s weird because I don’t really want a big villa like all the millionaires with at least 3 swimming pools; 10 Lamborghinis and Rolls Royce; 15,000 very big rooms; or a lot of very expensive clothes like Chanel and jewels at 5,000 euros and a lot of others things that I don’t think about which  are very, very expensive! 

I don’t like the fact to be a millionaire with a lot of things very expensive… No, I notice that I don’t like the fact to be a millionaire as such!

But I think my house will be an old farm, or an old sawmill (like in my village) that I’ll renovate but not in a modern house (because I hate news houses, they are not enough sophisticated for me) but in an old spirit with a little modernity (I don’t know if you understand what I mean! :D)


                But it’s impossible to “find” so much money in the street, but we can win in the bingo but it’s VERY rare to win at least 1,000,000 euros! :/

 It’s beautiful to dream! :D

And you, what would you do with so much money it's inconceivable?! 



  1. I like old farm too :)

    1. They are the most beautiful houses! :D


  2. It's true that it's a good idea to buy a lot of DVDs with 500€ !
    And yes, I think we can continue to dream x)


    1. Yes, because I love to have a lot of dvd's!! :D


  3. " First of all, if I find 500 euros, I’ll eat it " I know you're capable of doing it !

    1. Yes, maybe! xD For 500 euros I'll do it!!


    2. I found that funny :')

  4. I also like this style of house !

  5. I like old farm and I like this style of house because is beautiful !


  6. Loto is the best way to win that money ^^


    1. I agree! I want to wiiiiiiiiiiiin! ^^


  7. I agree with you, if I had all that money I wouldn't buy a big house and many useless things only to show how rich I am ^^

    1. But maybe I'll be extravagant if I'm rich! ^^ But not too much


  8. "I think I will buy a lot of album and DVDs" You're good, because many of people download illegal musics/movies.

    1. Yes it's true! Moreover I prefer to buy because there are bonus sometimes in the DVD's!


  9. Everytime we walk in front of this sawmill I imagine that I could buy it because it is sobeautiful!! I understand what you think of it
