Thursday 6 February 2014

Brainbow and the capitalist system...

This is not really my favorite subject, ideally a world without the influence of the god money would be more to my taste.

If anyone's interested here's a little video that explains the birth of the current banking system. It's fun and playful, it's easy watching: 

Anyway :

If I found 500 euros, I would go on a trip, it does not pay my ticket because I always share hitchhiking but it could be enough for a few beers and something to celebrate. I would stay in Europe , I would probably in Holland , enjoy coffeeshops , windmills and tulips . Or in a squat in Berlin , I could see beautiful works of street art . Or maybe in Hungary , to see where come from a few percent of my genes . (I could go to London but with my mishap this summer, I'm a little disgusted ... ) 

If I found 10 000 euros , I would go to the higher level , I'd rush to the other side of the world . 
Australia and its venomous giggles, its kangaroos and dreamy landscapes . 
Or Peru to see the Incas [their descendants, you mean? Mrs P.]   and cuddle llamas .

If I found one million euros, I could hang all my life. 
I would not change my way of traveling, a backpack and handed thumb but I'd deprive myself of nothing and especially I would enjoy all types of pleasures. Not what I currently do with my bank account that has a single digit but imagine what I could eat ! 
I would also do some work in the little cottage that my mother built .

When people find themselves alone in the desert with a suitcase full of money, they will realize that money can not be eaten.  (Brainbow is an Anti-Capitalist) 


  1. So you have a few Hungarian origins ? I have too from my mother. Hungary may not be the most beautiful country in the world (at least what people generally call " beautiful "), but when I go there I feel like I'm home, more than in France, which is quite weird. And if you like to eat, there are so many good dishes there. :3

  2. The sentence at the end is very realistic, and I fully agree with you.

  3. Wow you're very bohemian... or is it nomadish? I can't imagine hitchiking, i'm shy so asking strangers for a ride would be very embarassing for me.

  4. I remember that you are an Anti-capitalist :p


  5. I watched it with you and it was realistic, fun and easy to understand, it was a good idea to put it on your article !
    Coffeeshops and tulips, you were talking about this a few hours ago.
    I agree with you, we have to enjoy all types of pleasure !

  6. Money hasn't all the avantages, like everything.


  7. You're article is original, and I like it. In my mind, I'm a little like this but I think it's useless to fight against the system..


  8. Nice sentence at the end. Very wise. I enjoyed the video too

  9. Street art is very good form of art, I think that it's good too see many Ĺ“uvre. Your article is really good :)


  10. A world without money will be sad

