Friday 28 February 2014

Another extra article from Littlebeefly

  Animals in danger !!!

Hi ! It's Littlebeefly ! 
We all know very well that the animals are in danger. I've decided to write this article to talk about some endangered marine animals  to raise the alarm.
70% of marine animals are disappearing.
The most common causes are  hunting, sound and industrial pollution .

We find more and more whales and also dolphins stranded on beaches 'cause of the noise of  boats and sonar submarines that trouble them.

The marine pollution causes the death of sea turtles and dolphins choke on plastic bags that are in the sea. Turtles mistake them for jellyfishs.

Moreover, the hunting practices destroyed the species. 
I'm thinking about seahorses  caught to be dried to be keyrings, and also about sharks who are caught alive for  aileron cutting by Asians in particular, who believe that the aileron has aphrodisiac properties.

I find this ways scandalous for animals ! 
This ill-treatment of marine animals destroy the ecosystem! 
Even the shark that is called a killer and a predator is useful to nature: it is there to eat the bodies of dead animals.

To make seahorses keyrings for money, is really disgusting! 
The animals are in our  pollution!

Humans should become more aware of their actions on the ecosystem whether marine or terrestrial. 
If an animal disappears, it would affect not only the Flora and Fauna, but also  us, the Humans.

Of course, 
we, the readers of this article,  can do nothing, but we can at least talk and condemn these barbaric acts.


(and for all her extra work to entertain us with articles on various interesting topics, Littlebeefly will get a bonus on her marks for this term.   Mrs P.).

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Folt's article...

Oh my god, I’m rich! By Folt

                Hello everybody! Today the question is “What would you do if you found 500 euros? Won 10,000 euros? Won 1,000,000 euros or more?”  So instantaneously, I have no answers! Because we can do a lot of things with so much money!

                First of all, if I find 500 euros, I’ll eat it (no I’m joking!). No, I think I will buy a lot of album and DVDs or buy the ps4! Or maybe I will not spend it, I’ll keep it for something most important because it’s the crisis!! Or I’ll offer to a relative… or not! :P

                On the other hand, if I find 10,000 euros, I’ll travel thru all the USA or Australia, because, like I said in the other article, it’s my dream to travel over there! I will visited New York, Washington DC, Miami, New Orleans, Dallas, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Saint Louis, Rocky Mountains, US 66…  in brief, all the USA (but it’s too much big).
Or I will go to Australia to see kangaroos, koalas and a lot of wild animals! I will surf in the beautiful beaches or just swim in the sea… I will discover Sydney, Perth, Ayers Rock and wild lands!

                And finally, if I find more than 1,000,000 euros, I will give at least half to my relatives and associations to help the problems in the world like the poverty or serious illnesses for example.

It’s weird because I don’t really want a big villa like all the millionaires with at least 3 swimming pools; 10 Lamborghinis and Rolls Royce; 15,000 very big rooms; or a lot of very expensive clothes like Chanel and jewels at 5,000 euros and a lot of others things that I don’t think about which  are very, very expensive! 

I don’t like the fact to be a millionaire with a lot of things very expensive… No, I notice that I don’t like the fact to be a millionaire as such!

But I think my house will be an old farm, or an old sawmill (like in my village) that I’ll renovate but not in a modern house (because I hate news houses, they are not enough sophisticated for me) but in an old spirit with a little modernity (I don’t know if you understand what I mean! :D)


                But it’s impossible to “find” so much money in the street, but we can win in the bingo but it’s VERY rare to win at least 1,000,000 euros! :/

 It’s beautiful to dream! :D

And you, what would you do with so much money it's inconceivable?! 


That's not much...

YMCMB's article ...

 [This article has been edited after publishing: the ending was missing. Don't hesitate to read it again!]                                                                                                                        

What would  I do if I won 500, 10,000 or 1 million ? 

This is a very complex issue, but also interesting. 

We must not forget that money does not buy happiness, it can drive you crazy, addicted to certain things. 
It is advised to read back, to please others and be very careful of scams ... 
For my part, if I found 500 euros down, I'd  probably do  like everyone else, I'd board a bus and I revamp my wardrobe. 

I could save money, but do not forget  to please when enjoy yourself when you  get the chance. 
I could also try to find the person who dropped the money, but I'm not stupid, if it is not me who takes it, someone else will. 

If I played the lottery, and I earned 10,000 euros ...

It's complicated. This is a very large sum, but do not forget that if we abuse our expenses, we have nothing. 
I could be happy with that amount, but I think I'd rather save for a house, a car, my marriage ... 
Yes, we must know how to think about the future, which is why I plan everything. 
Even with all the gold in the world, I would not stop studying. I prefer to be an active person, than doing nothing, bored and have everything in a snap.

If I won a sum even higher than here, 1 million for example, then I think I could  please everyone.

At first, I would offer the best possible gifts to my family, my loved ones.

Afterwards I'd have fun of course, but I would save for the same things I mentioned above, but also so that I can give myself a trip to Russia or Mexico, traveling around with my spouse.

My dream? Having a large family home, having my property, making my children happy, taking them on vacation ...

 Having a nice car.

I want a cabin in the mountains for the winter, and an apartment on the beach in summer (preferably in Spain!)

But money does not fall like that, we must be very lucky to have this ...

 If I won the lottery, it is clear that I would keep the feet on the ground, otherwise I'd be wrong.

There is only one way  to have this money, without that money being dirty : work very hard, but also save!

Tuesday 25 February 2014

I've got 20 dollars in my pocket...

Lala and money...

If I found 500 € I would rush into shops! 

500 € is not a huge sum of money and I'm crazy about shopping.
I would go to acountry for example to see the new collections there are and also the prices.
I'd take this opportunity to visit the country. 

And maybe I would visit London!

[You wouldn't be able to do all that with just 500€; London is very expensive.   Mrs P.]

If I found 10,000€, I would buy a car: my own car!
I would have this car to do what I want, go where I want and not ask anything to my mother.
I could go for a trip with my friend.
And much more!
Traveling with my friend or my mother and my sister!
Then discovering new horizons!!!

Finally, If I won 1,000,000€ or more, I would buy an enormous house in Turkey for my grandmother, with a swimming pool and a jacuzzy for her to relax when she wants.

This would be beneficial for my family because when we go to Turkey we can enjoy it.
And if I still had some money I would give it to my mother.

Monday 24 February 2014

As long as his heart IS beating...

Imnotyou's article

If I found 500€ in the street I'd keep it. 

Yes I know, I'm dishonest  but why this guy let it down on the ground? I'm joking. 
Seriously I'd keep it and spend it in many stupid things that I couldn't pay! 

Although I'd spend it in music gear like a big amp but with the rest of the money I'd spend it in the purchase of a car.

I wish I could find so much money one day!

If one day I earned 10,000€, first of all I'd be very happy and super excited.

I don't know what I could  do, it depends if I have a job or if it happens the next few days. 

However I'd keep it if one day I have a big problem it could help me. 

But I'd spend a little of money in whatever I want like in music gear or a car.

Now for 1,000,000€ I really don't know what I could  do! That's a huge sum of money!

I think I'd stop working for my whole life but I don't know if it's enough. 
First of all I'd give some to my parents because they raised me and I cost much money to them!

I think I'd buy a land in Canada (I've always wanted to go there) in the middle of the forest, on it I'd build a wooden house.

But there's a problem: I never buy lotteries ticket! I'm condemned to only find 500€ in my entire life, but I'd try a couple of time to play the lottery just to see what if!

Nobody knows , maybe one day... [and you will remember it was my idea! Mrs P.]

Sunday 23 February 2014

Rich people's problems...^^

Maelstorm's turn...

Hey guys!

When I first heard that our next article would be about money I immediately thought of Abba's song "Money Money Money" 

 Like most people, I can't deny that I love money. 
If I ever found a 500€ bill I would probably spend that money in less than a day on clothes shoes and accessories. 
Basically things that I tell myself I need and are useful, but in reality I don't need.

However, if I ever won 10 thousand euros I'd start off by paying my parents bills because I'm a good daughter. 
Or I could save it for future use like paying for my license or apartment costs for when I go to university, but that's too hard!

Then when I don't have money I just imagine all the things i want to buy, if I had the money.
When you're broke, imagination is your best friend and your sole sanctuary! Imagine! If I ever won 1 million euros there would be so many things I would want to do.

First of all I would buy a house or maybe a mansion; then I'd spend at least a year traveling around the world while also doing humanitarian work; set up a business or invest in a business that will secure myself money for the future, etc. 
The possibilities are endless.

Furthermore, in the future, I would like to have a walk-in closet full of clothes, bags, shoes and jewelry. With 1 million euros any thing's possible; which is why I'd also try gambling in casinos around the world, hahaha! 
I'm such a greedy girl, and my bank account shows it.

Thank you for reading. 

Saturday 22 February 2014

"...and loves to be held"!^^

Fafa and money...

If I found 500€, I would repair my car.

If I won 1,000€, I don't really know. 
And if I won 1,000,000€, I'd stop my studies, say....*#"&%... to everybody who doesn't care about me and go far far far away!!!

No, that's not my real future. 

If I found 500€, I would repair my car and give some gifts to my family.

It wouldn't be big gifts but they would be happy I think.
Then if I won 1,000€, I think I would offer some holidays to my parents because they haven't gone on holidays since I was born so that is 20 years ago now.
I think that going on holidays sometimes is very important to forget all problems in one's life.
And then if there were still some money left, I would see after...

And if I won 1,000,000 euros, I would put 200,000€ in my account and give 200,000€ to my sister and give 100,000€ to my brother and 500,000 € to my parents.

The money of my brother and my sister would produce interests.
For my parents I would give 500,000€ because my parents always say that they will pay all their bills and then I think, they would go live in the South of France.

And to finish, with the remaining 200,000€ that I would have, I would travel for 6 months...

Friday 21 February 2014

What a choice!

Oceka's article...

If one day I won 500€, I would buy for me and my family tickets to Disneyland (my favourite Amusement Park).
That would cost 276€ for 6 people. With the rest, that is 224€, I would go shopping and spend in gourmet restaurants and luxury car rentals to show off in the streets of Paris.

If I won 10,000€ I think I would spend 900€ to book a cinema to have my favourite films projected again and again!
I love the cinema's special atmosphere.

I would buy a Vespa for 9,000€.

With the budet of 6,100€ I have left, I would buy a two-weeks trip to New-York to visit every corner of New-York and attend the Fashion Week.

If I had 1,000,000,000€, I would buy my parents a huge villa on the Riviera for a total of about 3 million euros. 
Then I would buy a huge penthouse apartment in new-York with views over the city center for a total of 4 million.

I would buy beautiful vintage cars (I love old cars).

I would put a big part of my money to an account in Switzerland.

I would like to do aroad trip across the US with my family. I would like to offer my friends a trip around the world and I would also like to donate to various charities and build my law firm.

Finally, the most important to me is to just enjoy life with my family and friends.

Thursday 20 February 2014

You'll see banknotes on this video...

Somethingintheway and money...

In class Mrs.P asked us about what we would do if we found 500 €, or if we won 10,000 € or 10,000,000€ or more .
Personally it's not everyday that I find 500 euros in the street, so I think that if it happened , I would  leap on the bill so that nobody except me has it , and I think that with this money I would put it in my personal jackpot for my driving licence.

The day that I would won 10,000 euros I shall buy to myself a PS4 ( because like that somebody that I know will stop to taunt me) then I'll buy a motorcycle and a camera for a road trip abroad .

With 1,000,000 euros I would do everything I said before in the article and I will do many  to the people I know and afterwards I will desert all I have and go by my own way in Alaska , like Christopher McCandless in into the wild  ( but I don't want to die by eating a plant  ). 

Now you know what  I would do if I had money , but I think that it's just what I will do in my imagination , in fact I don't know at all what I would do .

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Money on Sam's mind...

Eniram's plans with money...

 Hello everybody !
So, I would like to talk about money!

So to begin I'm going to say what I'd do if I found 500€, won 10 ,000€, won  1,000,000 € or more.

Firstly, I have never thought about what I would do if I earned money ^^

But I think if I found 500€ I'd do shopping with my friends, my little sister and I'd take private lessons  to have my diploma (yes I am crazy!)

Now, if I won 10,000€ I think I could do a beautiful travel with my parents and my little sister in Australia, New York or I don’t know in the isles ^^ and I would like to go to see my cousin in Iceland, if I  still had enough money.

And if I won 1,000,000 € or more I'd give money to my parents, my little sister all my aunts and uncles, maybe a few friends.

I would like to buy a house in a warm place  and also in the  mountains for my parents !
 But even if I won a lot of money I'd want to continue my studies and pay them.

And to conclude, I would like to help a lot of charities and make donations to help people in Africa , but also in the isles like Philippines and others poor countries !

But I think I'll  never earn a lot of money, but I can already hope.

                                                                                                                    Thank you for reading me :)

Tuesday 18 February 2014

The 2nd Year's New-York style brunch...

We can't go to New-York (because we haven't won the sums of money mentioned in our current articles) but last Friday we made New-York come to us, in room 121, where the magic (sometimes...)  happens !

We decided to organize a :

New-York style Brunch

There were Cheesecakes, pancakes, cookies, muffins visiting from England....

Bagels with fillings and Caesar Salad

What did you prefer? What didn't you like?