Thursday 1 October 2015

Nausicaa and music...

Hi everyone, you can call me Nausicaa. 

It's one of my names, thanks daddy for being obsessed with Greek mythology.

Like all of you I guess, I'm 17 y.o. [Except me!^^ Mrs P.]

I've many interests: literature, series, films, drawings, music, foreigner culture, languages…  

And I always like to discover some new things.

One of my passions is playing music. 
I tried to learn to play bass but I’m not very bright so I gave up. 
But I've never given up the piano. 
Now, it would be… 8 years? Maybe 9. 
I love the sound of the keys when I brush them, I love the large variety of music I can play: classical, jazz, rock and so much more. 
When I was younger, I played every day during, at least, 30 minutes, 1 hour.

Now, I continue to play every day but not too long.

Others things I like… 

I enjoy studying other languages, I would like to be polyglot.
 I try to learn Japanese.
 I understand some things, I can make simple sentences and I can write Hiragana, Katakana (simple writing) and a few Kanji (Chinese ideograms). 
And Swedish, I don’t really know why but I like Sweden. 
For the moment, I only can swear. Not very useful.

I think it’s the most important. 

If you ask, I can post music cover (Game of Thrones for example or what you want -> tell me in the comments)


  1. You can speak many languages but don't use bad words in school uvu, warui kotoba wa dame ! And you're playing piano too, I've only listen to you once or twice though orz I'd like to hear more ;v; And GoT seems to be an nice idea since everyone loves it? Don't say you're not bright because you are an amazing person 'v' (weird as well though---)

    1. Ahahah. You know that I'm very nice girl ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
      Come to home I will play for you honey. Or maybe not, muhuhu.

  2. Wow I didn't know you were interested in music, that's amazing ! I love jazz music, if I had to choose between all kinds of music I would pick jazz.
    I would never have guessed that you were able to play the piano, that's so cute !
    And as for Swedish, I like it too... When it's coming from Pewds lol.

    1. Hehe, I'm surprising, I know. (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) ♫・*:.。. .。.:*・
      I'm gonna tell you a secret... I love Sweden because of the Vikings. .x.

  3. Pianooooooo !

    I really love music escaped from the piano and violin. They make amazing sounds and make me shiver !
    Why Swedish? Learn German, it's really interesting! (or maybe not....) ^^

    1. Haha aren't you the one who doesn't really like it? (German uvu) Well Swedish only reminds me of Pewds like Aliena said, should we all brofist ovo)b?

    2. Because Swedish people are so cool. And I want to live in Sweden so I think it's better to know the tongue before to go X3

  4. You can do so many things ! I wish I was like you ahah
    Yay like Akanie said a GoT music cover seems to be the best idea. I never heard you play the piano.
    Good article !!!

    1. Perhaps you'll hear me if you are kind (¬‿¬)

  5. I love so much piano!!!! I love listening to it while doing my homework! Im so obssesd with it.. You're lucky! And you should continued until you became a professional haha! More if it's your passion!
    I love game of thrones too!

  6. And yep post somes cover of you I would like to see how ure talented. Have you got a channel youtube or something like that? Or ask Mme Papy if she can post it on the blog !

    1. Ahah, I would like to become professional but I'm not bright enough.
      ;3 I've one cover already recorded I will maybe send it to Mrs Papy.

  7. You can play piano please??? I want to listen to you!

    By Blondy

  8. I wish I could play piano -Bonnie

    1. It's not hard ! You can do it :3
      A real piano is a bit expensive (very expensive in fact @-@) but a electronic keyboard is more cheap and it's good to begin.

    2. have you a real piano ? -Bonnie

    3. Yes, but it's an old one ( an upright piano). One day, I hope I'll have a grand piano !

    4. I hope too ;) -Bonnie

  9. I've already had the chance to hear you playing bass at the music option in 2cd but never piano

    1. Oh my, I suck so much at bass ;-; Please forget this

  10. I play piano too! If you have jazz scores recommended me, i take !

    - Bush

    1. Right now, Idk but maybe later, if i remember '-'

  11. I like the piano or the violin !


    1. When I was younger I wanted to play violin too !

  12. You have a beautiful passion , I like the song of the piano !

    1. Ah, thank you :3 A piano has a very pretty sound i think

  13. Piano is a very cool instrument but I prefer bass and drums !
