Tuesday 27 October 2015

Sexism? Yes, sir!


  1. Indeed, costumes for ''girls'' are now so weird. I often wonder if the persons doing them ever saw what a real nurse look like -_-'' Same for the others, those outfits are ridiculous.
    This makes me think of a comic that made my day uvu It was about people who dressed as Avengers' characters and a guy did Black widow (because he really wanted to) and a little women was cosplaying Captain' ! (And I think that's how things should be.)
    Nowadays halloween is a lot more of a commercial event which is kind of sad--- Lastly, making the costumes ourselves would be a lot more badass than buying these uwu)b

    1. I totally agree: but I'm badass, I make my own costumes so you don't have to convince me!^^

    2. Haha, indeed you are! Can't wait to see your next costume for highschool's carnival uvu

    3. I agree too, these days, girls younger than us are dressed like... I won't say the word but I am sure you know what I am talking about.

    4. It's sooo true, I know that girls have to be sexy and everything, but if they just wanna dress like freaks, why not? I think it would be funnier to dress as an ugly witch than some sexy catwoman haha

  2. sexism should not exist during a costum party! -TjPlus

  3. It's so true!

    By Blondy

  4. The society wants the boy were superheroes and girls sexy nurse, it's very sexist !

