Sunday 11 October 2015

Aliena's trip to new-York...


Last year I visited the fascinating city of New York. I enjoyed it so much that I decided to write an article about my experiences there. 

The summer before my sophomore year in high school, my grandmother picked me up and took me on a trip to New York City.
She said that she wanted it to be my birthday present, but I know she enjoyed it as much as me.
In fact, my grandmother is crazy about tennis, she travels all around the world to support the french team, and I'm almost sure that it's not fate which made her buy this apartment next to Roland-Garros. Anyway, she got tickets for the US Open and she told me that she wanted to go with me.
New York City was a dream come true. My trip there was like discovering a new world and a new way of life.

I didn't realize where I was going until we arrived at the airport. On the plane, my neighbors were so boring, and I was so excited to be there that the flight felt like days. When we arrived, it was almost midnight, and my grandmother was so tired in the way to the hotel, that she forgot her handbag in the cab. You probably think that it was just some useless bag, but it wasn't. It was THE bag. We had just lost our passports, our money, our tickets to the US Open and a really expensive camera. Actually, the bag wasn't really lost. It was simply in the trunk of a cab which was probably driving all over New York.
My grandmother, who doesn't speak a word of English, counted on me to find our bag. I had to speak to the hotel receptionist to try to find a solution. I called several companies of taxis and I left them the number of our room. In fact, we spent the first three days of our stay around the hotel, waiting for a call. But we managed to find the bag eventually.

We were finally able to enjoy our trip to New York. My grandmother took me in all the great places she had heard about. We visited the Empire State Building, Times Square and Central Park...

I even had the chance to meet with this famous green lady who's standing right on Ellis Island.

It was like being on a movie set, it didn't felt real. It was just awesome ! Even the hotel seemed to be coming from a movie. We had a beautiful view on all the city and on the greatests skyscrapers.

New York was a whole new world. Everywhere I looked, there were people hailing taxis, waiting on buses, running through the streets. Just standing there and watching all those people was an interesting observation. I was so excited to be there, everything was so different from what I used to know.

The last three days, we went to Flushing Meadow for the US Open. My grandmother was so happy ! She was dancing and singing all the way to the courts. I really enjoyed watching tennis with her. I was so glad to be there and I was so excited to support the french team.


When the cab left us at the airport, I didn't realize that I was going to leave the town. I was starting to feel part of it, part of this incredible mess. But as we say, all good things must come to an end.

When we came back to France, I felt pretty confused. I wasn't able to speak french. English words and american expressions were dancing in my head, it was so weird.

In conclusion, I would say that my trip to New York City was a life changing experience. It is probably one of the most incredible things that ever happened in  my life.


  1. I went there, when I was in college, and I fell in love with this city, I dream to live there !


  2. I really liked you're article and I think it's my favourite article of our class.
    Thank you for sharing with us you experiences!

  3. Your photos are beautiful and I would like to say that I understand you: USA is different and a trip there can change a life.
    This summer, I went to California but I hope to discover New York because your description is amazing! Maybe we can go to New York to celebrate our graduation if we have it!

    By Blondy

    1. Yeah, it did.
      You'll have your exams, don't worry, you're in the top of our class. And, as for New York, I'll go with you... if you offer me the trip hahaha

  4. This artcile is one of my favourite, it was realy interesting :)

  5. I really want to go to New York and all cities in U.S.A
    I think it's an thing to do in a life because travel open minds


  6. I dream to go to New-York at least once in my life !


  7. you have chance to go in USA. your acticle is good and the photos are fantastic. excellent holydays for you . Lydie

  8. Amazing travel, you are so lucky !


  9. You forgot THE bag oAo?! Glad you found it x) But that's amazing you were good enough to ask and give informations in english to take it back uvu I would have panicked so much ;; Something similar happened to me but it did not ended as well as you orz

    1. Thanks :)
      What happened to you? Tell me about it. Did it end well?

    2. Eeeh--- Maybe I'll make an article about how clumsy and forgetful I am uvu'' This would be in the best of, it happend in Japan, and I don't speak japanese orz

  10. I was also in New York, and I fall in love with this city, It never sleeps, everyone moves all the time, I would install me later if I can !


    1. Wow, you're as lucky as I was! Do you have family there? I agree with you, New York is like my dream destination. I'll definitely live there if I could.

  11. You are Lucky, I hope I can also have this chance to go there !

  12. You're so lucky to have gone to New-York, I want to go to USA too but I prefer the west coast -Bonnie
