Tuesday 6 October 2015

Sadja and Dublin....

Hey! I'm Sadja.
I was born in 1998. I live near Bourges with my mother.
I like listening to music, writing stories and reading sometimes.
I'm a student in English language and literature.
I'd like to live in England for my job as a model, as a journalist in tabloids or as a French teacher in university. Next year, if I graduate, I'd like to go in a language university to learn English and start a new language.
I don't even know if it'll be Spanish or another like mandarin or Urdu.
But I have to finish my secondary school first.

In a language university, I'll have the choice to go in another country with Erasmus programme. So maybe one of my dreams will come true because I'd love to learn in a special college in Ireland : Trinity College.

I discovered this university during a school trip in Ireland and I fell in love with the architecture.  It really looks like an American college but it’s closer to us.

There are two statues outside the gates.
One of Edmund Burke who was a famous philosopher and a politician, and the second of Oliver Goldsmith, a famous Irish writer.
Both of them lived during the eighteenth century.
So many students dream like me to integrate this college but not every one  goes on. I can ask for it and I will. I really want to live the American university dream even if it’s in Ireland.

I propose to you to watch this video which explains the story of the university and students from different countries talk about their feelings :  

Trinity College of Dublin was founded in 1592 by Queen Elizabeth the first. It’s the older of Ireland. Made as Trinity Colleges of Oxford and Cambridge, this university accepted during a long time only men students but this law was erased in 1793 when Catholics were accepted too. In 1904, women could also be admitted in the university.
Trinity College is in Dublin city center, in front of the old Irish parliament.
It became an important place of tourism because of its history and its library which is really big. You couldn’t read all the books in it even if you read one par day.

In this library you could find the Book of Kells, sometimes known as the Book of Columbia.
 It’s a manuscript Gospel book in Latin.
 It’s one of the most beautiful because of the colors gold, blue, red on the book cover.
This book has four Gospels of the New Testament.

On Trinity College you can learn a lot of things like Art, Humanities and Social Sciences, with Music, Drama, Film or History and Humanities or Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies.
You can teach Law, Mathematics, Engineering, Science and Health Sciences and others.
Many classes for all students in the world.
Some of these students are known like the actress Katie McGrath, who graduated of Drama and seen on the TV show Merlin as Morgana, and the actor Dominic West or many writers like Jonathan Smith who wrote Gulliver’s Travels in 1726, Oscar Wilde, the author of Dorian Gray published in 1890, Bram Stoker who’s the author of Dracula published in 1897 and Serge Doubrovsky who was French and wrote Le Livre Brisé in 1989.


  1. Yo, sweety ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    You made a loong article :o I proud of you ! But... What is "urdu" ?

    1. Thank you! I really hope you enjoyed it :)
      Urdu is a language speaking in Pakistan and a little in India, it's an Arabic language :)

  2. I hope you will can enter in this university !

  3. The building seems quite huge oAo Wont you get lost there? I hope you'll be able to fulfill your dreams~

    1. No problem!
      No I'm joking of course I will! The first time I went to Trinity College of Dublin, my friends and I were lost because we don't look where the group went... Speak with somebody can be hell! ^^

  4. It's so good to know what do you want for your future. What is "urdu" ?? -Bonnie

    1. I think too! And I'll hope everybody of us will find before the 20th of January...
      Urdu is a language speaking in Pakistan and a little in India, it's an Arabic language and I want to study one of them so I choosed this one :)

    2. Why did you chose this language and not another one ? -Bonnie

  5. I want also do the erasmus programme !


    1. My friend!!! I hope you will, really I hope it!
      Erasmus is a fantastic program and I hope go to another country to study with this program
      I will never thanks to much the person who created this Haha ^^

  6. Your article is so interesting and I have learned many things about you!
    If I can help you to choose an other language, I propose Spanish because it's a very beautiful language!

    By Blondy

  7. Spanish? Yeah, maybe but I really like Urdu and Mandarin is the future ! haha ^^

  8. It's a great article !
    You should learn Swedish ! It's a wonderfull language too !
    Myself, I dream to live in Sweden

    Coming for Sadja

    1. Thank you Little Poppy to come for me !
      I don't know... Swedish seems so complicated ! But you're right : it's a great article !
      No i'm jocking (or maybe not ^^)

  9. Oh your article made me so emotianal
    Reading it brings me back so many memories from our middle school's trip and my summer camp last summer

    1. Yes so many mamories... Do you remember when we're losted because we spoke ? haha so funny and Mister Mathematics found us ^^

  10. Hello Sdaja, I find that cool to ant to leave abroad studying ! Especially in Ireland that must be great good and beautiful to see ! I hope that you will arrive there. Lauranouille

  11. Waouwww!! You're article was really really interesting! Of course I hope you will can enter in this university ! I belive you!
    'bout thoses languages: Urdu and Mandarin? I saw Bonnie's comments but Mandarin where is we spoke it? And why do you want to learn this language?
    Kisssssseeeeeeesssssss xoxo

  12. Mandarin is the official language of China ^^
    Thank you for your comment :)

    1. Chinese is so hard you know .w. And the writing... Oh my lord, it's horrible.

  13. I have been to dublin some years ago in a youth hostel, it was great and the people were lovely !


  14. Your articli is very interesting , I hope your dream will be come true
