Wednesday 4 January 2017

Yse's superpower would be...

Hi bloggers! Today I'll talk about a supernatural event...

If I had a super power for one day, what would it be and what would I do?

I think I'm a little too idealist, but if I had a super power for one day, it would be the power to create a new planet.


In this one, I'd transfer every elements that make me happy on Earth. 

I'd transfer every people that I love, every animals which need to be protected.

I'd transfer every people who need more attention and less injustice. 

And I'd create the planet with all the varied magnificent landscapes which exist on the

And of course, I'd etablish ecological, equal, protective laws.

There are advantages with this power. 

The target is to preserve  Nature (animals and plants, it would be the same ones as on  Earth),
to preserve and to gather people that I love together, and to permit to the others to acquire the vital minimum (for the populations in difficulty). 

I'd like to place
on the top of this planet the Arts, so  music, theater, cinema, drawing, sculpture etc... and the innovation with (not against!)  Nature to make the society grow up.

It would be a world where there's no one man who's above the others and who decides for them.

Everyone would live for themselves but everyone would be ready to help if
someone needed it.

But, I realise that this power has drawbacks. 
I know that I'm a utopian. Actually, humans just can't live together without being in conflict. 
Every animal is like that!

And my super power would be very selfish. Because, we can wonder : Why only these people would benefit from this planet? We can say that this is not fair.

Moreover, how would I transfer landscapes, materials, animals and people? This isn't my super power...

Thanks for reading !


  1. Woaw, I wouldn't have thought about this superpower but it's actually a beautiful concept but as you said maybe too good to be true :/ I really liked your article, it was pretty inspiring^^ I'm looking forward to read your next articles^^
    See you !


  2. I am impressed by your article, it was really good !
    The world you'd like to create looks beautiful (but maybe too much to be real) and the drawbacks you've noticed are really interesting, I thought about some of them too when I read your article.
    See you soon ! -Pegasus

  3. If all humans proctect more the environement and if the world make no difference between rich and poor and if we develop more share and humanity caritativ organism we will create this world maybe

  4. you are sooo inspiring and so good-hearted
    i wish the same thing as you but sadly we all know soon or later, humans will always find a reason to fight rofl
    what a shame

  5. Wow I loved your article. Everything was really interesting !


  6. I expect that I will be invited in your utopian WOrld my Dear ;) <3

  7. If only people took care of the planet...


    1. yes... It would be different ... surely... yse

  8. It's a very interesting article ! Good idea.
    - Chamallow

  9. Your superpower is probably the most beautiful power. If only it can be real...

    1. thanks a lot ! i totally agree with you... yse

  10. Your article is very beautifuuuuul ! I'm not amazed at the person who writes it ;) bye

    1. aha thank you so much! you're cute :) yse
