Thursday 12 January 2017

Harley's powers...

Hello everybody ! I'm back to tell you more about me.

Mrs P. asked us what would be our superpower if we had one just for one day.  

So good for a comic fan like me !!!

There are so many superpower, flying like Superman, being immortal like Deadpool, running fast like Flash, taking the appearance of somebody like Mystique… but for me, it's the atmokinesis.


If you have that power, you'd be able to control the weather.

Just one minute, imagine being able to summon a snow day and get a day off !

Or making sure the waves are just right and the waves are just right and the water is the best temperature at the beach ! Every day would be the perfect day for you !

It could be soooo good !! You'll be like Thor who can control flash of lightning, Storm who can control tornado.

With that power I could be able to easily shape, change, direct, intensify, and create any type of weather pattern that they wish, to help them in any way they desire. 

They could manifest and generate tornadoes, blizzards, hail, rain, wind, lightning, and temperature changes, among many other things. 

For example, during the monsoon in some countries I could make it rain less or on the contrary in  dry countries I could make rain more ! 

I could control the sun and the temperature like in Africa !


The only problem is that it causes many climatic troubles. 
This power is good for you but not for the Earth if you use it too much, and we have to control it very well ! 
We must use it with precaution !

The system is pretty sensitive !

If I chose this one it's because I've always wanted to control the weather like they do in comics. 

Since my childhood I've seen superheroes controling tornados, rain, sun… It was so fascinating !!

Thanks for reading, hope you liked it !

Don't hesitate to read and comment other articles (and mine too) just there ↓↓↓

PS : If you didn't notice, it was Harley ! If you read until there, comment and write (discretely) the word arrow.


  1. Great article! I like your superpower, If you can control the weather, can you bring a little heat and sun in France please? ahah

    1. Thanks for the comment BumperYey !
      If you want, yes no problem. But you must wait a little


  2. Controlling weather can be really useful ! The drawbacks you've noticed are right, I haven't thought about it before...
    And your explanations about why you chose this power, because of your childhood were really cute ahah ^^
    I understand your fascination for all the superheroes and their power, I love them too and I'd say that my favourite are Jean Grey and her telekinesis power, Wanda Maximoff and her ability to control energy, and Hawkeye with his bow and arrows ;)
    See you soon Harley !-Pegasus

    1. Thanks for your comment as always Pegasus.
      The characters you chose are sooo cool ! I admired them too when I was younger


    2. And I forgot, thanks for playing the game with the hidden word


  3. Oh yes, I know that it must be difficult for you to choose only one power, but I though that you would chosen a power used with an arrow. Maybe for the next time ;) Bye !

    1. Thanks for the comment Nenette. Yeah, it was really hard but Mrs.P asked us just one so.. But thank you for playing the game with the hidden word. It's nice !


  4. This would be such a perect power right now with the weather we have !

    1. Yes I agree but I don't have this power.. Sadly


    2. Yes. I chose this word for a good reason. You know what I mean ?


  5. I liked your article haha ! And I know where did you find the idea for the word like "arrow" ;)

  6. Very interesting article. I like it aha ;)
    - Chamallow

  7. Your article was very cool, I haven't thought about this power, I'm not a big fan of superheroes haha x) even if a lot of people recommend me to watch one called "Arrow" x) but when I read your article I was kind of frightened because I imagined the damage that such a power could do to the planet, the animals or to us, human beings. Thankfully no one can do that x)
    See you !^^

    1. I searched quite a long time to find this superpower. But I must decided so I chose this one.

      I feel concerned by all the damages caused by human to the earth.. I know that the earth is in danger. The only thing to do concern everybody but not all feel concern by the future of our planet.

      And thanks for playing the game with the word !


  8. Control the lightning should be ABSOLUTELY AMAZIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING!!!!!! *.*

    1. Yes I agree with you !


  9. Your article is very interesting !!

  10. I do get you, be able to control the weather is something very attractive, especially on that time of the year !

    Inspector Flower

    1. Yeah. But sadly I don't have this power.. It could be so good now. Because it's too cold and rainy.. I hate the rain ! My hair hate the rain !


  11. Nice article Harley ! Very interesting.
    See you soon !


    1. Thanks ! Yours was good too !


  12. arrow

    love your article
    especially the video with Storm ♥ ♥ ♥

    1. Yeah I was sure that you'll love the video ^^ and thanks for the comment !


  13. your article is so inspiring, I want the sun everyday!But you're right, you have to be careful with this power

    1. Thanks for the comment Bruhh.

