Wednesday 11 January 2017

Ravenclaw's power...

       Hi everyone ! 

I'm back with an other article about ... SUPERPOWERS! (pretty cool, isn't it?) 

         Mrs P. asked us which superpower we would choose for one day and why.

There are a lot of superpowers: a supernatural strength, to run very fast, to master the fire or the ice , to become invisible, to fly, to breathe underwater...   

Personally, I have hesitated a lot between 3 powers: telepathy, flying or  teleportation but I prefer to say apparate (you know why! ). 
And finally, I decided to choose apparating because my dream is to discover the world. 
I could choose flying, but flying needs time, to teleport is faster! 
I would travel in every places I want ... for example, in the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, Blue Lagoon in Island, Mountains in Canada, in India, Germany, Ireland, Scotland, United States, Russia, and more but a day would not be enough! 
I would also go in many festivals, rave parties, concerts etc...    
But, if I could apparate my whole life and not only for one day , I would save people from earthquake, fire, tsunami etc...    


 Blue Lagoon



                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Apparating would be absolutely amazing! 

When you had a bad day, a fight with your parents, or  anything, bim! 
You would clap your fingers and here you are in the Carribeans watching the sunset ... pretty nice, don't you think? 

   It's quick, discreet, you can do it everywhere you want, at any time you want ... but many questions are in my mind when I think about apparating... 

Where am I during the travel? Under what shape? Did I leave the space time? This is totally insane. 

The major risk being  to find oneself" splinched ", that is to leave a part of one's body behind. (Like Ron Weasley in  Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1

But I like that. [leaving part of your body behind? Mrs P.]

And apparently, most part of people vomit during their first journey. (Ask Harry Potter ahah!) 

And you, tell me,  which superpower do you choose ? And why ? 

Thanks for reading, cuties, see you soon!


  1. Your article was very funny to read. It was entertaining.
    I find that the superpower that you chose is quite suitable to you. Good choice ! ;)


    1. Thank you very much Minimalist. See you soon on the blog.

  2. Your superpower is amazing, apparating is really useful !
    The possibility to leave everyone suddenly and be in another place is so interesting, I'd like to do that sometimes !
    The places you want to visit look beautiful...
    But please, be careful to not loose a part of your body, it must be painful ahah.
    (Mrs P.'s comment about it made me laugh a lot :D )

    And about the superpower I chose you can read my article on the blog c:

    Your article was great, see you soon Ravenclaw !

    1. Mrs P.'s comment made me laugh a lot too! I don't really have all my mind... ahah Thanks you for your comment Pegasus see you soon !

  3. Power that you had chosen seems to be super cool, I hesitated with this one. I like your "bim !" in your article, it is so inviting ! What would a Ravenclaw's article be without Harry Potter ?

  4. The power you chose is so cool ! I knew that you'll speak About Harry Potter.. Don't know why.. What could je Ravenclaw's article without speaking about Harry Potter ?! It can't exist !


  5. Haha ! "bim" :') Great article Ravenclaw !
    - Chamallow

  6. Thank you for taking me with you, that's nice of you Ravenclaw :)

  7. I hesitated too between these powers and I choose finaly TOO the teleportation !

  8. You're obviously a real Harry Potter's fan, your article is very interesting !

    Inspector Flower

  9. Your article was really great and pleasant to read^^ being able to apparate has been one of my dreams too since I discovered it in Harry Potter haha^^ and the places you want to see looks beautiful ! :) The idea of being able to go to any concerts you could want is pretty seducing even if I have to admit that being "splinched" scares me a bit x)
    Anyway, once again, great article, see you soon Ravenclaw !^^

  10. another teleportion article but well-written

    nice job

    1. Not teleportation!!! Apparate is a little bit different!

  11. really good article, the idea of teleportation is be great, I like the reference to Harry Potter
