Thursday 5 January 2017

Bruhh's power...

Hi guys ! If I had a super power for one day what would it be ?

I think that I will choose the super power to read in thoughts.

What would I do with it ? Hum let me think, a lot of things, I can find out what people think of me, I could laugh at what they think, I would know the worst secrets and the funniest , no need to learn for tests, I would read directly the answers in the thoughts of the people.

Why this one and not another ?

I don't know, since I was a child, I have always dreamed of having this super power. 

Maybe because with it you have the control, the super power and no one knows.

The advantages of this super power is that you can laugh all day when you're bored , you can read in thoughts. 

I'm sure that it would be amazing.

But the disadvantages is that sometimes you'll near things that you don't want to know, even that can hurt you.

But apart from that I think that it's a great super power and I'm sure that one day I will have it !


  1. Great article, even if I don't think I'd like to have this power (I guess it would be too painful to know what people really think sometimes).
    See you soon ! -Pegasus

  2. For me, the only interest of this world is the surprise and the discovery.
    If your able to control or full discover all secret of a person, you will get bored quickly

  3. It's quite an interesting power, personally I could totally use this kind of superpower but yeah I guess it would be a little bit too much as the time would go by x) anyway your article was really cool !^^
    See you soon !^^

  4. i would loveeeeeeeee to have this power lol, just to know all the answers for a test or knowing every thing in order to avoid mistakes, maybe i'll be a little sad sometimes but it would prevent me from being hurt twice or appear like a fool looool

  5. Interesting article ! And good choice for the super power !


  6. I totally agree with you, and I think it's a power to gave for one day and not for the life... it can hurt and make life sad...

  7. I prefer don't know some things that know everything and be unhappy becauses of that. :D

  8. To read in thoughts...OMG Who don't want that ???? GOOD CHOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  9. Great article =)
    - Chamallow

  10. Your article was very interesting to read

  11. Great article ! Good choice of super power :)

  12. It's very interesting like power, I like it !
