Friday 13 January 2017

El Maya's superpower...

My  Superpower

If I was a superhero, I should have a super power of course. 
But why a super power ? 

Well, just because it would be very useful to care about people who are in danger, pay attention to what’s going on in the world, around me, and to save every persons who are in danger.

If I was a super-hero, I would like to see what’s happening in people’s thoughts, inside their heads.

Like that, I could see what they are thinking and it would be very useful to give advice to my friends and everybody in what will happen just in a few moments, try to make people think about what they're going to do, and I could save a lot of persons.

Sometimes I say : ’’ Oh, but to see people's inner thoughts  would be very scary for me, I just can’t imagine that, seeing people thinking silly things about me, about people…’’ 

But finally, we could know the truth and know what we have to do with bad people around us.


  1. Your article was short but interesting !
    I'm sure it would be sometimes difficult to read people's thoughts but if you want to do it to give advice to your friends it's really nice of you and I'm sure they will like it !
    See you soon, -Pegasus

    1. I agree with you Pegasus =) and it could be useful to anticipate the future

  2. Good article El Maya


  3. That's a very good superpower but be carreful with it because You will see good things and also bad things in peaples minds... :0

    1. That's true : it is a good thing to see that somme people are thinking of us and care about us ; but on the other band we can discover horrible things, people who tricked us... But that's it =). See you !

  4. Nice article =)
    - Chamallow

  5. Your article was pretty cool ! :D Mind reading is both an interesting and scary superpower, in my opinion it's not a good thing to be able to know what peoples think but I can also understand the good things about it^^
    See you !^^

    1. I'm glad to see that you enjoyed my article... And I agree with you it's better to keep our minds inside us it would be horrible to see what's going on in people heads =) ! See you soon

  6. Good article !

  7. I think it could be interesting just for one day but all your life I think you would become mad easily...

    1. Yes I think your're right I didn't think about this aspect of the power.... And we could get bored very quickly too... See you =)

  8. As I said to an other person, it's a great power but I think it's a power we should have for one day and no for everyday, it can hurt...

    1. I share your mind too..
      And as I said to Ravenclaw we can get bored very quickly .. See you soon =) !

  9. I agree with Ravenclaw but i think this super power is veryyyyy interesting ! Good article !

  10. i had the same idea of superpower, good article !

  11. Your article was really great ! It's a wonderful super power but it would be very tough to hear their thoughts everyday

    Inspector Flower

  12. I agree with Ravenclaw too! Just for one day, it could be interesting to know people things, you could learn many news in one day, haha


  13. Hello El Maya !
    Your article was very interesting. I find your power original and very useful.Sometimes I would like to have the same power.. But I trust that know what all people think can be difficult to accept for ourselves and hurt us. I think that it's not a good thing to know all the truth, all the time..



  14. oh god i'd train myself in order to prevent you from reading my thougts!!!!!!
