Tuesday 3 January 2017

Pegasus and her superpowers...

If I had a super power for one day, I think it would be psychokinesis.

Psychokinesis or telekinesis is a psychic ability allowing a person to move things without any physical interaction (for example, in the Marvel universe Jean Grey has a supremely high power-level of telekinesis).

 With it, first, I'd do some things I do everyday but staying on my bed and moving things with my powers, because I'm curious to know how it feels to do that in a different way, like bringing food, drink, and a lot of heavy things like books without any problems. Like that, I could spend my time resting and doing things I love. I would also try to paint or draw without my body, to see if I can manage to do something good with my psychic skills only or not. It could be funny !

Then, I'd play pranks on people I know, like stealing their stuff while I'm talking with them and when they'd realize that something is missing, put it back in place to make them believe it was an hallucination.

After that, I'd use my skills to make people and even myself levitate and fly, it seems  awesome to fly without being in a plane. 
I'd like to see my city from the sky, at night for example. I'm sure it looks beautiful with the lights everywhere.

And finally, I'd help people even if I guess that in one day only I wouldn't have time to do a lot of things, I think my help would be useful for some people.

With my powers I would help people carry heavy things like their cardboard boxes if they are moving for example. I'd save some animals like cats stuck in trees.

I would make toys move to make children laugh, in hospitals, and maybe realize their dreams if I can.

And, more impressive, I'd use my abilities to create shields, to protect people or myself if there is a fight or something like that. 
I would also intervene if there is a fire, because I would help the people to escape, protecting them with a shield and moving burning things to go out. 

If there was a flood I would save people and their objects and animals by pushing the water to create a way until they are in a safe place.


  1. Very good article, I like very much your power aha ^^ Great Idea. - Chamallow

    1. Thank you Chamallow ! I can't wait to read your article :D-Pegasus

  2. Your article was pretty cool and interesting to read^^ your superpower looks really cool^^
    See you !


    1. Thank you, I'm happy if you liked it then :) -Pegasus

  3. Your power would probably not allow you to make yourself fly :
    Assuming that you could influence object's position in space, it could not be their absolute position, because it would imply compensating all movements of the object's position in space, which is impossible.
    But you could make them move relative to you, which in this case would not be a problem for other people, but it wouldn't allow you to fly, as you would be moving relative to you, which isn't possible either.
    You may be able to maintain yourself in the air after jumping but that's all.
    Anyway, very good article ^^ (and I hope you won't hate me too much for twisting your mind and smashing your dreams XD)

    1. Scientific people, always here to shatter other people's hopes.
      Thank you Sam.
      (I'm sure that you are only jealous of my powers and you don't want to admit it T^T)
      See you soon ! -Pegasus

    2. So, do we begin to show all that's impossible with psychokinesis and explain why it's impossible ? Okay then !
      Psychokinesis wouldn't allow to move anything at all, because it would create an interaction between you and the object you want to move instantly, so faster than light, and Einstein said it's impossible ! (do you REALLY want to contradict Einstein ? I don't think so)
      Well, we can imagine psychokinesis wouldn't be effective instantly. For example it could push the air to the object in order to make it move; but you don't need telekinesis to do that: you just have to huff and puff ! ("and blow your house in")

    3. Maybe I should find other friends if I want to keep on dreaming ahah !
      Love, -Pegasus

    4. I agree with you, some of your friends are a bit of a killjoy!^^

    5. Ahah yes they are ! But I think they are having a good time finding their scientific theories so I'm gonna let them have fun xD

    6. It's not cool to break the dreams of Pegasus... poor little Pegasus <3

    7. Maybe peoples love to say what's impossible every time(I don't talk about anyone...), but the only thing that is important to say is that superpowers aren't real so whatever if it's no physically possible ? They would better return to dreamsland to learn that and not be on Earth everytime. I like the power you choose ! I would be so happy if my old toys turn into life! ( yes I'm still a child...) XD

    8. I agree with you Léa !
      Thank you :)
      Ahah that's so cute, don't worry you are not alone, I'm still a child too xD -Pegasus

  4. Great to want to use your superpowers to help others, but even without superpowers you can do a lot.
    Never forget this !


    1. That's true ! We have to do what we can to help people. -Pegasus

  5. my favorite superpower !! mine is a little bit like yours actually but understand me, who doesn't want Jean Grey's power ????? I wonder
    it would be extremly useful, increasing self-confidence and being able to protect yourself and others like that, BUT SADLY WE LIVE IN THE REAL WORLD snif lol

    1. I can't wait to see your superpower Fenrir !
      Jean Grey is the best indeed !
      I agree with you ! Nooo the real world is so sad ahah

  6. Really good article as always Pegasus !


    1. Thank you Harley, I'm glad you liked it ! :)

    2. I completely agree with you Harley, her articles are always good and very interesting !


  7. If I had this power... I would be a devil hahaha ! It can be very cool to have this power, but I can see that you're very lazy Pegasus :3

    1. Ahah, beware of evil Reese ! :p -Pegasus

  8. Interessant article and good idea of power :)


    1. Thank you dz-pnl18, I'm glad you enjoyed it ! :) -Pegasus

  9. Your presentation about your superpower was very interesting. Especially what you would make with it. Your article was really awesome. Congratulations Pegasus! See you soon.

    1. Thank you for your comment Ravenclaw, that's nice ! See you soon :) -Pegasus

  10. Your article is awesome Pegasus, very original !

    1. Thanks Roots&Culture, it's very kind of you ! -Pegasus
