Monday 9 January 2017

Chenle's superpower...

If I had one super power it shall be to breathe under water. 

It's not the most incredible power like flying or becoming invisible, but breathing under water shall allow me to see another facet of the world and to be able to visit the bottom of the sea as much as I want. 

I thought that, because when I'm in the water I feel good. It's a really peaceful environment  for the humans. 
For example in the Red Sea there are beautiful fishes and coral reefs, I have the impression to be  part of another world.

If I could breathe in the water, I could visit the most discreet places. 
With this power, I would like to discover things that no men have ever discovered. 
Life in the water is most incredible and very funny. 

That would allow me to escape  if I'm fed up to be in contact of men or when things do not please me.

Why this great power and not one other?

Because this power does not influence  our time and for me to have for example the power to teleport in  time or control  time permits us to know what happens the next day. 
It's so good to not know what  will happen the next day. 
However breathing in the water allows to have other sensations. 
Even if now we can stay under the water for a long time thanks to gaz cylinders, swimming for a long time without equipment shall make me feel a freedom that I've never lived. 
Then, if I can go to the bottom of the sea maybe I can find a treasure or things which can help for the historians.

The disadvantages are that we are not physically made to live in the water. 

Furthemore we shall be limited very quickly in our activities, and to feed and meet our vital needs.



  1. I like your article so much ! Very interesting point of view =)
    - Chamallow

  2. Oh! this a good article of course breathe in the water it's scientifically impossible! but i think that this is the power the most realist


  3. What a beautiful power !
    It's true that the water is a really peaceful and beautiful environment !
    See you soon, -Pegasus

  4. Good article!


  5. I really love your point of view! Very good article

  6. I totally agree with you breathe under the water is the most beautiful of all the powers ! GREAT ARTICLE

  7. Very nice article ! :)


  8. i crave for that superpower!!!

  9. I'm like you, I love the water and the power to breathe under it would be fantastic !
