Thursday 5 January 2017

Rigggnarok's super power...

Greetings ladies and gentlemen, Riggnarok here^^

A few weeks ago, Mrs. P asked us to write an article on the subject : “If you had a superpower, what would it be and what would you do with it ?” 

Let’s begin by the sort of superpower I would have liked to have. 
I thought about this : every toy I would touch would become a real thing (just a little parenthesis to render unto Cesar what is Cesar’s, I did not invent this superpower, it’s something I saw in a web series called WarpZone Project). 

To get things clear I’m going to give you two examples : 
 _For the first example, let’s imagine that if I have the replica of a wand from the Harry Potter movies in my hand, it would become an actual magic wand which I would be able to use to cast spells.
 _As a second example, if I would have a toy sword that is supposed to represent Excalibur, in my hands it would become the actual fantastic sword Excalibur.

(I hope you understood my explanations, if you didn’t, do not hesitate to ask me in the comments^^)

 Now, for the second part of the initial question : “what would you do with it ?” 

Well, this question is quite hard to answer, I mean, there would be so much thing I could do with a superpower haha^^ but I think that I could brighten the day of little children in hospitals by making them laugh, for instance I would bring some plushies to life for a time so they could play with them, I would also do something to help the police by using toys to arrest criminals but let’s be honest I would also use it to just be lazy haha x)

And finally, to end this article, let’s just talk about the advantages and the drawbacks of this superpower :

Let’s begin with the drawbacks, first, obviously in a place without any toys I’m completely useless and you don’t find toys everywhere so this power can be pretty easily defeated ; and second, this superpower works only if I have the toy in my hand(s), if I let it go it turns back into a simple toy and that could be a problem for me if I’m too far from a toy.

So now let’s see about the advantages, well in a toy store I would be a king haha x) even if I can be easily defeated, as soon as I have a toy in my hand I could became really redoubtable opponent (I mean imagine if, with this power, I have a wand or a lightsaber haha).

And well, I think that’s all for me^^ 

I really hope you enjoyed reading my article and once again if you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask me^^ anyway thank you for reading, have a good day or a good night depending on when you are reading this :D


    I will watch "warp zone project" because this idea is very interesting

    1. Thank you very much !^^
      Well I'm glad if I could catch your interest into this web series, it really is awesome in my opinion and you'll see that there are other interesting power in it^^

  2. Great article ! Your power is interesting, I like the idea of bringing toys to life !
    But it would be dangerous if you play with toys like weapons...
    See you soon ! -Pegasus

    1. Thanks ! I'm really glad if you liked it ! :)
      And don't worry, I don't intend to play around with weapons, I may be childish but not irresponsible xD
      See you !^^

    2. Ahah I'm happy then, if you aren't irresponsible ahah xD
      And I'll be waiting for you to make my plushie Fang come to life :p

    3. Hahaha, don't worry, if it can make you happy, I will ! :D it would be pretty cool^^


    4. Ahah thank you so much, I can't wait to see that :p

  3. woooooo thats really cool !! imagine you draw something and PAF you can bring it into reality, that would be sooo awesome
    do you think you could materialize food ?
    if I buy a John Cena plushie, would you give life to it for me ????

    1. Haha, thank you, I'm glad you like it^^ but, I'm sorry to crush your dreams, I can't bring drawings to life nor materialize food... :/ but I could definitely bring a John Cena plushie to life for you ! :D


  4. Great article !


  5. Haha I didn't think about this power but... it's very original and I loved your article ! But... I would like to see fotos of your toys in the article :)

    1. Haha, thank you, I'm glad if you loved it !^^
      Maybe I'll show you one day if you truly want to see them xD

  6. Ohh your article is very orignal ! I like your power aha ^^ ;)
    - Chamallow

  7. Original power and interessant article thank you!!


    1. Haha, thank you very much, I'm glad if you liked my article^^

  8. I love the fact that you would use your power for others. Very good article !!

    1. Well it's not much, if we have a superpower let's at least make the most of it by helping people who are in need in my opinion and I'm surely not the only one thinking this way^^ but thank you I'm happy if you liked my article^^

  9. Absolutely amazing! I love your article so much! Your power is awesome and what you'd do with it even more. You're such a good person! See you soon Riggnarok

    1. Woaw, thank you very much I'm really glad that you enjoyed it that much :)
      And I don't know if I deserve all these compliments, I mean, in my opinion it would only be normal to help those who are in need if I had a superpower^^
      Anyway, thank you again Ravenclaw^^ see you !

  10. Your article is one of the best ! It is really very original and your power makes of good deed, nothing better! Bye Riggnarok :)

    1. Thank you very much Roots&Culture, I'm happy if you liked my article^^ I'm not sure to deserve so much compliments though but it's really nice, thanks^^
      See you !^^
