Tuesday 3 January 2017

Bumper's superpower...

Hello everyone !

Today, I will reveal to you my biggest secret ... 
I'm not like everyone else. 
I come from another world. 
When I was little my parents entrusted me to people on earth to protect me from evil. 

I have to tell you all, since my birth I've carried in my heart the flame of the dragon. 

I have the power to control fire. 

To tell you more, I'm the little brother of Bloom from the winx club, but it is not seen. 

Ah ah ah. 
If you knew how wonderful it is to master fire. 

I don't need a machine to warm up, I do it all alone! 

I assure you it's great, especially as we get back into the winter season, it's even more useful ahah.

Well, I must admit that I still have disadvantages with this super-power, I fear the water, I must not stay too long in contact with water.

And now you're wondering how I wash. I do not wash! No, I'm joking! I wash myself but with fire. 

I say this as if I know how to do everything, sometimes I create nonsense, little nonsense, like fire ... 

Well it happens to me but its still rare. 

There you have it, my secret of the day, in any case, a secret remains a secret: keep it for yourself. 



  1. Nice article Bumper =)
    - Chamallow

  2. Haha, I really liked the form of your article^^ being able to control fire must be pretty cool x)
    Your secret will be well kept, don't worry haha^^
    Bye !

    1. Oh and by the way, it was Riggnarok, sorry I forgot to write my name x)

  3. Your power looks great ! I'd like to warm up alone ahah, it's so cold outside !
    You are so lucky to have Bloom as your sister I loved her so much ahah
    Great article, see you soon ! -Pegasus

  4. Oh your're article is very interesting! It's not common but very nice =)! Byye!

  5. loooooooool your article was so funny
    you know i used to really love Bloom from winx club so i think i might have feelings for you right now

  6. When I was younger I loved Winx sooooo much ! Now it's a little bit different, but Bloom's super power were so great ! I loved how you wrote your article it's totally different from others of the class ! Really interesting !


  7. Thank you very much Riggnarok, I hope my secret will not be revealed aha

  8. Thank you very much Pegasus! And yes, right now my superpower is very useful aha

  9. Thank you El maya ! :)

  10. owwh, I forgot my name for El maya.

  11. I'm sorry Fenrir but my heart is already taken ... it seems that my step-brother the prince sky has to members of his family who would like to meet me ihihi. Xoxo

  12. Harley;
    Thank you very much, I'm glad that my article pleases you. I also want to tell you that I am better than my sister. Thanks again. Aha

  13. Haha it's funny because bloom was my favourite fairy in the winx club!!!


    1. really? Normal it's family Ahahah

  14. haha very funny but i don' think that's what Mr Papy asked for

  15. Control fire should be fantastic ! Great superpower Bumper

    1. Thank you �� and yes it's very fantastic!

  16. Your article it's funny ! Personally fires too much frightens me to serve me as it...

  17. Very nice article. I like very much the power that you chose ! As you said, it can be very useful in winter.
    The picture reminds me my childhood, when I was a big fan of Winx. :D

