Tuesday 10 January 2017

Fenrir's superpower...

If I had a superpower, it would be controling energy.
I could use it to create force fields or summon energy balls. 
It could help me defend people around me or even myself. 
I could also use it to manipulate objects around me, like for instance if I happen to forget my bag in a random room in my house, I would reach it with my mind and bring it back to me while manipulating it with the energy around.

I'm going to describe it more precisely. 
I could transform or shape existing energy into many forms. 
It could be withdrawn from objects or living being like plants, animals or even human, but no worries, I won't harm anyone, I'm not that evil (lol). 

I would use it to move things, open doors, tidy my room or use my computer from my bed ahah. [How lazy can one be? Mrs P.]

Although I think it's very boring to have powers for those kind of things, a better purpose would be perfect. 
I'd prefer to use it for an offensive and defensive purpose. 
In case of real danger, the energy could be taken from air, in that way I would create a force field and use it as a shield and protect those in danger … and me at the same time (loool). 
To attack foes, I'd throw them things or summon energy balls like I mentioned earlier hihihi.

When I'd summon the energy, it would have a gold-ish light. (here's a drawing of a character I've created, she has that power lol )


However, like every power-owner, I'd have limitations. 
Like I said before, the energy could only be extractable, otherwise, if I could create it from thin air whenever I want, I could have unlimited ressources … being invicible isn't very funny. 

Moreover, I'd be limited with the summoned amount of energy. 

I couldn't hold too many and I'd have a limit per day, If I'd dare to exceed this limit, I'd exhaust myself baaadly. 
Those limits would depend on my strength, precision, mass and precision.

If I could compare to a fictionnal character, it would be Wanda Maximoff aka Scarlet Witch from the Marvel universe, she uses telekinesis but it's still kind of similar. 


  1. Interesant article Fenrir!! it's a good choice of power ;)


  2. Your article was great Fenrir !
    I love your power, it seems to be so awesome to control energy ! And you would do wonderful things with it.
    I love your drawing and your character so much *-*
    Your comparison with Wanda was really good, moreover I like this character !
    See you soon, -Pegasus

    1. Thanks for your comment Pegasus ♥
      i love Wanda too!!! especially her version in the Age of Ultron movie

  3. I find your choice very original but it's a good thing. I like very much your article ! I laughed a lot :D


  4. Woooooops there's some mistakes, i should've been more careful

    Tooooo bad ):

  5. It's a nice superpower

  6. I'm surprise that your power is not to have food when you want haha

    1. hihi well if you think about it, i can steal food with my mental abilities

  7. Good article ! And I loooovvveee your drawing soooo much !


  8. Very good article ;) And your drawing is great !
    - Chamallow

  9. great article !!! xoxo

  10. I love the first woman! Very good article

  11. I didn't think to this power. It's very very interesting and soo cool

    1. cool like the person behind this account ♥

  12. Hey Fenrir, here's the comment you asked for ;). Very unique super power and I love the character you drew, but I don't know if I trust you not to do any harm with it :p

    -Your English assistant

    1. Hellooooooooo Stephanie
      thanks for your comment and the fact that you love my drawing!!

      hehe i think the thought of harming soooooome people would cross my mind but i'm reasonable enough not to ( i think )

  13. I didn't think about that superpower, great idea and good article !
