Friday 20 January 2017

Game! Game! game!

Explain (in English - DO NOT TRANSLATE) what these expression, related to food, really mean:
there are 15 expressions, you need to find at least 10 to win.

To give everyone a chance to participate, the answers won't be published until Monday.


  1. I have so many answeers but it's not fair for the others so I won't participate this time, good luck every one !!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Let's try to explain them !
    -"Big fish to fry" comes from the expression "Have bigger fish to fry" which means that you have more important things to do,
    -"Eggs in one basket" refers to the expression "Put all eggs in one basket" which means to risk to loose everything by putting your effort into one plan (and to loose everything if it fails)
    -"Good egg" means a kind and helpful person
    -"Big cheese" means an important, powerful and successful person
    -"Second banana" means someone who has a secondary role or position
    -"Rotten apple" means a single bad person, in a group for example
    -"Bowl of cherries" means something very pleasant
    -"Icing on the cake" means something good added to something already good
    -"Piece of cake" means something really easy to do or accomplish
    -"Tub of lard" means a fat person, in a mean and insulting way
    -"Salt of the earth" means a person considered as the most worthy part of the society
    -"Milk of human kindness" means to have sympathy, compassion and natural kindness
    -"Whole enchilada" means everything
    -"Small potatoes" means something insignificant
    -"Tough nut to crack" means a person (or a situation) which is difficult to deal with
    (my favourite one is "Icing on the cake", I think it's a funny expression !)

  3. -The expression "Icing on the cake" means something that makes a good situation even better or a bad situation even worse. This idiom has two meanings and they happen to be opposites and can be used in a positive sense and a negative sense. When we use it in the positive sense that means an additional good thing happens to something that is already good or positive making that situation even better. When we use it in the negative sense, that means an additional bad thing is added to another bad thing that has already happened making the situation worse. In this case the idiom is used in a sarcastic or ironic way. I found an example: The athlete received a gold medal and the icing on the cake was that he also received a sponsorship deal.

    -The expression "Piece of cake" means something that is very easy to do. For example: The exercise was a piece of cake.

    - The expression " tub of lard" is an insult to fat persons. I found this example: That tub of lard can hardly get through the door.

    - The expression " salt of the earth" is used to qualify a person as honest, decent, dependable and unpretentious.

    -The expression "The milk of human kindness" is used to speak about good and kind qualities of a person. For example: My best friend is full of the milk of human kindness.

    -The expression "Whole enchilada" means everything that could possibly be included.
    For example: Let's throw a party with birthday cake, balloons, music, the whole enchilada.

    -The expression "Small potatoes" means something or someone insignificant and something that does not seem important when compared to something else.

    -The expression " Tough nut to crack" means a problem that is very difficult to solve or a person who is very difficult to understand.

    -The expression "Big fish to fry" or rather " to have a bigger fish to fry" means to have other things to do or to have more important things to do.

    -The expression" Eggs in one basket " or rather "put all your eggs in one basket" means to risk losing everything by putting all your efforts or all your money into one course of action. I found you two example to explain you better: I'm applying for several jobs because I don't really want to put all my eggs in one basket./ I didn't want to put all my eggs in one basket, so I played five different lottery games, but lost all of them.

    -The expression "Good egg" means a person with good qualities such as kindness. It's a little bit the same meaning that the expression "The milk of human kindness". For example: He's a good egg, your brother, he visited me every day while I was ill.

    -The expression " Big cheese" means an important or powerful person in a group or organization. It's like a boss or a chief. For example: Apparently her father is a big cheese in one of the major banks.

    -The expression " Second banana" is used to qualify a performer who acts as a support to a lead comedian and who occupies a secondary, lesser role or position.

    -The expression "Rotten apple" means a single bad person or thing.

    -The expression "Bowl of cherries" or rather "life is just a bowl of cherries" is a way to say that everything is going well and that the life is very pleasant. It's important to know that sometimes this phrase is used humorously to mean the opposite.


  4. I think the awnser is many expression like:

    !a piece of cake: Game of kid
    !a good egg: a god boy/bro
    !a second banana: an assistant (right arm)
    !a rotten apple: a rotten person (like old rich haha)
    !the icing on the cake: The final event (like the expression "la cerise sur le gateau)
    !a big cheese: The boss
    !a tough nut to crack: hard to cook
    !big fish to fry: Many important thing to do
    !a bowl of cherries: a pleasure/ a real pleasure
    !milk of human kindness: The gift of the wild
