Wednesday 4 January 2017

Linxz's the time traveller

If I could choose a super power, I'd want to choose the super power of traveling in time (be a time traveller), to stop terrorist attacks, to stop  time to watch all details, because in real life you really can't watch all details: we have so many things to do.

I don't really want to go in the future because I really love the suprise of innovations. I  just want to stop the time and go back in time !

But the problem of going back in time is the butterfly effect. [and the grandfather paradox - Mrs P.]

Imagine, at this moment in France, the terrorist attacks have really changed the habits of the population and if I prevented the attacks all my present would be changed and finally I dont really think it's a good idea.

Many films and authors have shown that  playing with time is dangerous :just look at Back to the Future 2!




  1. Your power was really interesting, time travel always has been a controversial subject to me, it can be both something awesome and horrible anyway I hope that mankind will never be able to do such a thing, I think it would be disastrous x)
    Once again your article was awesome (and the picture at the end made me laugh pretty hard) x)
    See you !^^

  2. Even if traveling in time can be really dangerous, I guess it can be fascinating too !
    I wouldn't like to have such power because I would have a lot of responsabilities and it's quite frightening ahah.
    Great article, see you soon ! -Pegasus

  3. like you've said in your cons (also Riggnarok) going back in time could really affect reality and even make things worse than it were. You have a really generous and nice thought but things happen for a reason, the past permits to understand the present, even if something horrible happens, we must learn from this event and avoid doing the same mistake

    good article though, i already knew the funny picture you put but i don't mind seeing it again

  4. Good article. And I enjoyed your little image just at the end. Poutine is soooo great !! Sorry for the madness, it's the voices in my head


  5. OH That so nice to you take care of terrorist attacks. That's an usefull power !!! :D

  6. Nice article, maybe you're right but it could be amazing too ! - Chamallow

  7. Good article about this power !

  8. Oh my god Vladimir Poutir was so cuuute when he was child !
