Friday 6 January 2017

Another kind of game...

This Friday game is a bit different from the others: all contestants will win!

Therefore, you must answer the question (try to develop a little)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'll be first: at the moment, I'm watching The Good Wife. So if I were kidnapped, I would hope for Alicia Florrick to rescue me (and Diane Lockard with her, because she's my favourite character in the show)... and bring Kalinda with you, girls, she might be helpful, as she's so badass... I used to watch The Walking Dead, though and I wouldn't mind being saved by Mr Dixon!^^

  3. the last tv show i watched is agent of S.H.I.E.L.D ( always lool ) and in the mid-finale episode, there was my favorite character of aaaaaaaall time : Robbie Reyes the new ghost rider!! He would beat all the foes in no time but I would surely injure myself badly because either i'd trip on something or i'd high five him but burn myself lol

    and besides i fell in love with him hihi( i think he's the 20th fictionnal character i fall in love with, poor guys)

  4. I don't watch any TV shows (don't blame me please). So If I've been kidnapped, I think I would like that the characters who is coming to save me to be Dr House. I choose him because he is a great doctor so if I should be injured, he could take care of and cure me. Even if it's too late to save me, I know that he is very funny so I could make fun of him before to died. voilĂ  !

  5. I think the last one I watched was Game of Thrones, even if it was several months ago.
    If I was kidnapped, I'd hope for Sansa Stark and her army to save me, or Daenerys Targaryen with her dragons, even if I'd prefer the first one !
    They are both awesome and powerful ladies, able to make important decisions and do the best they can !

  6. The last TV series I watched was Game of Thrones. I hope that Jaime or Daenerys could save me cuz they are soooo great ! Even if I prefer Tyrion, but the only problem is that he is a dwarf, and alcoholic but so badass ! Or Cersei maybe, she is sooo mad ! Just like me !


  7. The last tv show that i have see it's vampire diaries so... if someone come to save it's should be the beautiful vampire: Stefan salvatore

