Thursday 13 October 2016

This is Harley!

Hey everybody ! I'm Harley !

You probably know my name thanks to the comics, don't you ?!
 I'm 17 years old and I live in a little village lost in the coutryside near la Nièvre.

As my name suggests, I love comics, and I wil speak about them often on the blog.[Great! Mrs P.]

I've loved them since my childhood. One of my favorite character is Batman.

To me he's the best because not only is he totally human, his only powers are from technology that can beat Superman, we can see that in the movie Batman Vs Superman.
To speak a little about his life, his parents died when he was eight, after that he lived his life with his butler Alfred.


If you want to look at the trailer, go there :

The other character that I prefer is Deadpool from Marvel Cinematic Universe.

It's a hero who don't hesitate to kill, torture or play with his victims, that's a little bit why I love him. He is totally different from the classical superheroes.

Before being like that, he was a soldier of special forces who became a mercenary because it's his only capacity.

After learning, that he got the cancers, he decides to integrate the X-force project, to have a chance to survive. This project is imagined and realised by Francis ( aka Ajax).
After many injections of chemicals, he suffers of a genetic mutation.
Thanks to that, now he is immortal thanks to a power of regeneration, so he can regenerate damaged tissues by gunshot or grave burns within few moments. He can also make grow again his hands or his bones. Its strength, its endurance and its suppleness are more raised than those of a normal human being.

If you want to look at the trailer, go there :

Don't hesitate to comment and tell me who is your favorite one !


  1. Your article was interesting !
    I love the DC and Marvel universe but I prefer the Marvel one. My favourite character is Black Widow but I also like Jean Grey !
    See you soon ! -Pegasus

    1. Love these characters too, but to me DC is the best !!!!!!!!


  2. #teambatman !! Deadpool's nice too but idk if he can be counted as a superhero so I'll just stick to Batdude
    _ Akaniie (Btw Hello Mrs P !)

    1. Hi Akaniie! How are you?

    2. Well I guess ^^ Started uni few weeks ago, trying to improve my japanese and slowly forgetting other languages ;v; I'm doing my best to remember them all but even french fails me x) Hope you're doing well !! (and I noticed an artist in the class !! There's always artsy people *thumbs up to them*)

    3. Thank you for your comment !


  3. Hello Harley ! I'm Léa and Pegasus recommended me this blog ! Your article is very interesting! What you said about Deadpool gave me envy to see it ;) . I like comics too, even if I don't read of them. I don't have any favorite character but my last comics reading is "Transmetropolitan"do you know it ? What do you think of it ?

    1. Thanks for your comment Léa. I know Transmetropolitan and I love that !!!


  4. I think that I found who you are hihi ;)

    1. Really ?
      And what about yourself ? Do you hacve any favourite character or not ? Tell me please, i really want to know.


  5. Replies
    1. Thanks ! Yours was interesting too.


    2. Hi I'm Amaury ( thanks to -Harley I'm here). To answer her question I'll say that Deadpool is my favourite one, but I prefer Le Joker or Harley Quinn. These are the best because they are sooooooo incredible, and so badass !

    3. Hi this is Elo ( here thanks to -Harley). To me it's very interesting, and I agree with Amaury. These are the bessssttttttt !!!!

    4. Hello! I'm Healmely (here I am thanks to -Harley, she recomended me the blog). i love comics too, and my favourites are Harley Quinn and Batman for DC and for Marvel, it's Black Widow.

    5. Thanks to -Harley I'm here. I'm Thierry, I love comics sooooooo much !! My favourite one is Thor for Marvel, and for DC it's Zoom.

    6. Thank you for coming guys ! Do you enjoy the blog or not ? Don't hesitate to comment other articles ! xx


  6. Hi Harley ! I don't read many comics so I can tell you which is my favorite character, in any case your article was very interesting, because like I don't know much things about superheroes, it allowed me to learn it more about that, and of course on your favorite character. Bye ! :)

  7. I recognize the picture of your pencilcase!! If I'm wrong tell me!! Bye! =)

    1. No you're not wrong it's Batman ! My favourite charcater.

