Monday 3 October 2016

Meet Maddie...

Hi my name is Maddie,

I'm 16. 
My favourite hobbies are reading and watching movies. 
My favourite types of stories are love stories because I'm very romantic. 
But I also love very much being with my friends and doing lots of activities with them. Because I feel very good with them. 
I can say all the things that I think without feeling embarassed. 
We also talk about life and philosophical topics.

Moreover I'm very interested in Politics because I think that it is important to know what  the World is, to change it into a better World. 
That's why I want to become a lawyer.

Futhermore I love practicing sport. 
Since last year I've been practicing lots of sports like Twirling, Gymnastic or Running. 

Sometimes when I feel bad I cook because that makes me feel better. 
I cook carribeans food from my grand-ma and also American recipes that I find on the internet. 

And I think all my hobbies will allow me to write  very varied articles. [Great!  Mrs P.]

Next time I will talk to you about serious things like political stories or maybe about Sports like the Olympics Games.


  1. I dont know who it is behind Maddie... i'm curious to know !

  2. I like cooking too! When we feel bad, like you, it's interesting to cooking, I agree with you!


  3. I cant wait for your topic about olympics games !

  4. heheheee i know who you are
    very nice presentation, maybe we'll talk about politics together :)
    i also like romantics stories, but with action and bloodshed, otherwise it's not funny loool ( okay i'm joking about bloodshed )

    - Fenrir

  5. can't wait to read your next article Maddie !

  6. I knew some about you but not everything... Quite interesting ! Hope one day i'll eat caribean food !


  7. you will do a good lawyer. I like politics too, but romantic strories is not for me, i prefer cynics writing. But Mannie, i know you listen in french class with tyrek that therie is love story in all the strories. Cardinal

  8. I think that I know who you are haha... maybe cooking when you're feel bad it's a good Idea :)


  9. Your presentation was nice, I guessed who you were, the future lawyer! I hope you will succeed in your studies.
    I'm waiting for your aticle about the Olympic Games.

  10. I LOOOOVE carrbibean food and food in genral !

  11. You love cakes and sports ... its a little contradictory lol

  12. Hey Maddie guess who I am :P of course you'll know with my nickname but ... well I'm not funny... Nice article with nice pic ! Love ya', -Yse

  13. Great article, I can't wait to know more about your hobbies in other articles !
    I don't really know carribean food but it seems to be delicious !
    See you on your next article ! -Pegasus

  14. Hey Fenrir of couse we'll talk about Politics with the future elections like Cardinal.To Dz-Pnl213 and Sunflower Maybe I should write an article about cooking therapy. To Yse <3 Are you laughing of me with my paint "Photo montage"? And zbebzbeb Do sport allow me to eat cakes of course that not paradoxical at all ;)
    Thanks to all the comments: I will not disappoint you with my new article.
    XOXO Maddie
    (Special xoxo to Rease)

  15. You're a lazy girl Maddie, you did one answer for all peaple ahah! xoxo :3 (well, it's Reese*)

  16. I would like taste the caribbean food, one day.. (So if you want cooking for me, it's not a problem ! Lol)
    I also like love stories, I'm romantic too. What is your favorite love story ?

    1. I think ... Because of my TPE, Romeo and Juliet. But In general I love all the impossible love stories because I'm curious to see how they will overcome obstacles to be together :D

  17. Oh I think who is behind Maddie =)! You practice the twirling, it's not a common sport but it's good to practice something different than the others sports =). What is your favourite Caribbean dish?

    1. Yeah that's sure Twirling isn't a famous sport maybe because of its soon invention at the US ;) Huuum my favourite Caribbean dish is calling "Le trempage". That a mixing with bread and crab or shark on palm trees's leaves. We eat it in family or with friend and custom want that we eat it only with the right hand. That very funny :)
