Friday 7 October 2016

Do you know Reese?

Hello, my name is Reese, I’m 16 years old but I was born at the end of the year 1999 in Bourges so I’m almost 17 ! 
More precisely, my birthday is on October the 29th.

I 've been practicing horse riding since I was 4 years old but I always lived with horses because my parents had three horses and two colts.

Moreover, Reese is the name of my horse.

But my second favorite hobby is watching series, so today let me introduce one of my favourite series : iZombie !

The series is not very famous, I think but I’m crazy about it.
It’s a television series which comes from the United States and it was developed by Rob Thomas and Diane Ruggiero-Whright.

The first episode was published in 2014 so it’s a very
recent series.
It’s not an ordinary zombie movie like The Walking Dead: I love iZombie because there is a lot of humour around zombies problems and apocalypse. 

It’s a comedy drama based on comics.  

So, it is about Olivia Moore alias Liv who is turned into a zombie during a boat party. 
Then, she had to leave her job (surgeon) to  take a job at the morgue to feed herself with brains. 

In the  morgue, she met her boss Ravi who discovered her secret and who wants to look for an antidote for the zombies. 
So he decided to test his products with some rats.

One of the zombie effect is that when Liv eats a brain, she has the victim’s memories. She chooses to use her visions to help the Seattle Police Department.

 I Hope you will enjoy iZombie because soon…  season 3 will be aired.

 PS : Of course, you should watch the series in the original version because with the real voices, it’s always better

Thanks for reading, hope you loved my article.



  1. Hello Reese ! I won't forget your birthday ;)
    I've never watched iZombie but it seems to be interesting ! The only series I watch is Game of Thrones, you should try it, it's great !
    Love ! -Pegasus

    1. I hope you won't forget ahah!
      I would try but I have too much series to watch... Orphan Black, American Horror Story, Scream Queens, soon The 100....
      Xoxo Pegasus!

    2. Ahah I can understand that you don't have much time with all those series to watch ! -Pegasus

  2. Helloooooo Reese
    Good job with your article :)it seems like you enjoy weird tv shows lol (nah im joking)
    That tv show is interesting, maybe i'll take a look at it ;)

    1. You should watch it ahah it's so funny!I'm sure yu could love it Fenrir :)

  3. Hi Reese ! Your article is awesome, it made me want to take a look at this series, it looks pretty great :D and you are so lucky to have your own horses, horses are so cool ! *-*
    See you soon !^^

    1. Hi! Thanks you! As I'll watch Zootopia you should watch iZombie :3 yes I know, I did'nt know that you love horses !

  4. Hey Reese! The picture with the brain icecream is very funny. Disgusting but funny. I think I'll maybe Watch this series ;)

    1. Hey Maddie, ahah yes it's the picture that I prefer. Oh it's not disgusting when you know the serie :')
      As I say to the others, you really should watch.
      Good afternnoon !

  5. nice article, but it confirm that I really don't like zombies lol ! bye !

    1. Ahah zombie are specials! Thannnnks Nenette

  6. Hello, I watch the serie ont month ago and I loved a lot. What was your favourite character ? and what was your favourite moment in the serie?
    I'm waiting for the season 3 !

    1. Oh my favourite character was Liv I think, she is so cool ! I prefer the Liv "zombie" ahaha. And I think I sould'nt spoil anyone so let's speack an other day!

  7. Hello, I'm Cindy,thanks to Reese, I've come to see the blog.
    It's so cool that you did an article about iZombie, I love this serie, Ravi is so cute (he is my favourite character)! <3

  8. Thanks to Reese, I've come to see the blog.
    It's so cool that you did an article about iZombie!! I loooove this serie, Ravi is so cute (it's my favourite character)! <3

    1. Thanks for the comment Cindy, ahah I knew that you loved my article ! I agree I agree ahah <3

  9. I had pratice horse riding during 9 years... i miss it!
    iZombie looks interesting! Very good article

    1. Oh I didn't know! But I understand...
      Thanks you cutie :)

  10. Good article ! Why not try this serie... It's like The Walking Dead, I'm sure I'll love that !


    1. No, it's not exactly like The Walking Dead because The Walking Dead is very serious whereas iZombie is more humouristic you know?
      Thanks for comment!

  11. POUPOULE !
    Awsome article, Izombie is very intersting i will watch at my home later !
    Thanks for your sharing !

    1. Yay POUPOULE! You should watch iZombie, it's the best serie ever.
      You're welcome :)

  12. Hello reese, it's a very nice presentation, I zombie appears to be a good serie ! So the season it's for when ?? Cardinal

    1. Helloo!
      It's for 2017, I don't know the month... I'm waiting!

  13. horses are life!!! Yse

    1. Yesss it's a kind of drug! <3

  14. Your birthday is coming soon,I hope that I am not going to forget it. (I am very talented to forget this kind of thing :D)
    In any case it was very nice to get to know you better and the part about i,Zombie is interesting.

    1. You chose have to go on the blog to not forget my birthday :) thanks to think of it!
      Thanks youuu Minimalist

  15. I like your article! =) Why did you choose to call your your horse ''Reese'' ?

    1. Thanks you. Ahah I didn't choose because my mother and I bought our horse at eleven years old so he already have his name! Maybe it was because of the serie Malcolm !
