Friday 14 October 2016

Meet Bumper Yey!

Hi everybody !

I'm Bumper Yey. I'm 16, soon 17.[This article was written before his birthday. Mrs P.] I was born on October 4, 1999 in Bourges.
I am currently in my last year at this high school , in Bourges.  
For 3 years now, I've been living with my father and his wife. 
And my mother lives with my stepfather and two stepsisters in Beaugency.  
My origines are Hmong and Cambodian, and I grew up with my mother and stepfather of Khmer and Lao-Thai origin, and I am passionate about my cultures.
 My biggest goal in my life is to keep the traditions that I value greatly.
I belong to several Hmong associations in which I teach traditional folk dance. 
Indeed it has now been more than a year since I was asked to teach and share my knowledge. 
I have my own dance studio! 
I won't hide that I love dancing in general, 
but I especially like Asian dances, it's my life. 
During each year, I often go to all corners of France to dance; in weddings, meals, but usually it is in traditional celebrations for the new year and festivals.  
During each summer in late July, all Hmong associations in France are organizing a joint FESTIVAL. 

This year I was the second main choreographer of a troop of forty young people to organize the shows, and I won the second prize at the dance contest ... 

It was an experience I will never forget, and I'd do it again with pleasure!

Anyway, I hope you liked it and thank you for reading my article.




  1. Your presentation was awesome !
    It is great to keep traditions and to teach what you know to other people !
    I don't really know this culture but I'd like to learn more about it !
    Great article, see you soon ! -Pegasus

  2. Thank you so much Bumper for your article. It is really interesting. I like your values and I find honorable that you want to share your knowledge, keep going !

  3. Good article Bumper Yey !! thaaaaanks

  4. that would be so great to be a choragrapher !! congratulations :) Yse

  5. I like your article? It's important to keep our traditions...

  6. Very interesting presentation of yourself and your origins !


  7. I know your love about your origins and dance and i found that amazing !

  8. Wouah, very beautiful article. We must never forget where we came from; That's why that I found your values very honorable. You have all of my respect for all that you do for your association.
    I hope one day, I could see you dancing Bumper Yey !
    PS: I love when you ask me my opinion for your costumes when we are in philosophy class. ;)

  9. I'm very happy that you like it ! Thank you for your support !xoxo -BumperYey
