Wednesday 12 October 2016

Chamallow tells you more about herself!

Hi everybody,

I'm Chamallow and I'm 17 years old. 

I was born in Reunion Island and I've lived there since my birth. So, I come from Reunion Island and I left for some reasons. 

  I have green eyes and they became brown when it's dark.

I like very much animals so I left with my 6 cats and my tortoise.

I like reading but I haven't got a favorite book.

I always listen to music, I listen to everything but I don't like  heavy metal.
My favorite color is purple.

I'm fascinated by wolves, I find them  so special and so magnificent.

 I love eating thus I know how to cook and especially cakes.

I like the freshness and when it snows.

I know how to play a little piano although I have never taken lessons.
  I just try to reproduce the musics that I like. 

I love singing English songs.

Later, I want to live in America because I find this country so wonderful and so amazing.  

I wanna be a Police Commissioner. 

 My favorite series is The Walking Dead so, it's “the End of the World”, a virus infected the population but there are some survivors. 
They try to survive no matter what, with whatever they can and what they find. They cross the cities and the States of America, in order to find other survivalists of the virus and a safe place against  infected people.


  1. Your presentation was great !
    I have a tortoise too !
    What are the names of your animals?

    1. Haha thanks Pegasus :3
      That's cool !
      Oh, they are named Princess, Ladie, Mistic, Mitigri, Flash and Lord ^^
      - Chamallow

    2. Oh their names are really cute :D -Pegasus

  2. Good article ! :)
    I hope that you will write an article on the Reunion Island, that could be very interesting.
    See you !

    1. Thank you Minimalist =)
      Okay, I'll keep that in my mind.

  3. We know many thing about you Chamallow Ahah
    And I agree with you the walking dead is the best series!

  4. we have a second singer in class, it is so cooooool !

    1. Ohh, that's nice ! Who is the first ?
      - Chamallow

  5. I know that you are a vert good singer =) !!!!

    1. haha !! That's nice :)
      Thank you El Maya.

    2. Haha !! That's nice El Maya :)
      Thank you.
      - Chamallow

  6. I want to hear you singing ! This is nice to learn about you Chamallow ! :)

    1. aha maybe one day Ravenclaw :) Thanks
      - Chamallow

  7. Oh ! I wanna hear you singing! good article by the way :) Yse

  8. the reunion island looks like very cool with beautiful landscape! do you return in this island or not? chenle
