Wednesday 19 October 2016

Meet Chenle...


I'm Chenle for this blogI'm seventeen years old and I'm a girl. I live in France in the Berry countryside. My high school is in Bourges.
In my life I like to spend a good time with my friends. And share lots of things with them. In my everyday life I'm optimistic even for the negative things. 

What I prefer is  travelling and  being cut from my frrench habits.

Travelling  gives us  another vision of the world and allows us to discover other populations quite more interestingfor some than the others. 

The nicest is to eat the food which is totally different from ours.
The beautiful landscape remains in the head  most of the time ! 

To finishe, after school, I watch movie to unwind or bring into other universes more or less funny. 

I prefer french movies like: Respire; directed by Melanie laurent and movies  about the stories of the war like "Invictus"  about Nelson Mandela, directed by Clint Eastwood.




  1. Your article was great !
    I understand why you like travelling so much, it is a cool thing, even if I don't really like leaving my house or my city !
    See you -Pegasus

  2. To travel is one of the best thing for the world ! Good article Chenle !

  3. I really agree with your point of view on the trip, good article.

  4. I agree with you, travelling is awesome.
    Great article.
    - Chamallow

  5. Yeah that's right travelling is best type of lifestyle I'm totally agree. I expect so much go to South Africa one day, to discover this amazing mixing culture. But my father think it's toooo dangerous :(((

  6. Very nice article, I share your opinion about travelling ! ;)

  7. thank you everybody. It's with pleasur that i see that you share the same point of view as me!!

  8. hello maddie, I think your father is right but in most countries it is like this: there are places where they should not go and others where there 's no risk at all. however I think media amplifies many facts in countries, for exemple egypte.... bye chenle
