Thursday 6 October 2016

An additional article, by Maddie.

Hi everyone it's Maddie
(I make a short  article because I've urgent news for you!)

Today I need to talk to you about a special sport event which take place  this weekend: LES FOULÉES DE BOURGES. 

It's a big event created in Bourges in 1993 and resumed in 2010.

The association organised races in Bourges's famous streets like a half marathon for the bravest or five kilometers for the others. 

There also is a race for children who can also run in an adapted race. The event takes place in Séraucourt square, on Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th October.

Futhermore there is an other race, and the most famous for the runners: THE FOULÉES ROSES. In La Chapelle, this week-end.

That's the most important because the money gathered with this race will be given to the breast cancer research. 

To participate you must be a woman and pay eight euros. 

This running will take place at La Chapelle Saint-Ursin this year on a road of five kilometers. You can run or you can walk and all that for a good cause.

That's why I will do this race with my mum. 
That will give me a feeling of reward because I'll run but also because I'll participate to a charity action. 

So come to THE FOULÉES ROSES this Sunday it will be great. 
Or if you prefer go to LES FOULÉES DE BOURGES to enjoy the race!


  1. Wooooo i didnt know about that race, maybe i'll just watch i'm too lazy to run lol

    Thanks for that info, your article is very useful :)the fact that you and your mother will run is admirable, you have my support sweetheart ;^)

    1. My sweetie Fenrir. Thanks for your comment but I'm very sad that you don't come to run with us :(. Running, it's life. It always serves to something ;) With love <3

  2. I've already heard about that race, it's a good thing.
    But I was wondering, why is it only for girls? It would be a good thing if boys could run too, because they are also concerned by the breast cancer, with their mother, sister, daughter, aunts and all.
    Great article, see you ! -Pegasus

  3. It was a good idea to whrite this article Maddie. Thanks for this information.
    Good night !

  4. I know that but it's like a feminist fight here. And the fact that there is only women, lure diferents women generations to do it.

  5. I hope that you enjoyed this experience with your mother and with hundreds persons who ran !

    1. Yes I've enjoyed my morning, thanks. It was amazing, we were more 3000 runners 👍🏽So they have gathered 12,000€ to cancer seaching

  6. LES FOULÉES DE BOURGES, awsome running my girlfriend made this ! I think this is a good idea to rease money to give for the cancer searching, Awsome article !

    1. I kwow... your Girlfriend is a very athletic girl :D

  7. It's a beautiful action, Maddie: big respect. Each in its scale, we must help science, for all those who need it !! Cardinal

  8. There were many participants has this event!

  9. I run The foulées Roses last year... Very emotional day... I couldn't do it this year... Congrats to do this! xoxo Yse

    1. Don't worry :) I expect that we will do it together next year ;) To surpass my new record "27 min" XD
